Cure wave

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3rd person

"I see... so now what?" Stella asked after they explained everything." I don't know... I guess we'll have to wait till something bad... ahchoo!" Gretal sneezed." Is it me or is it getting cold?" She sniffed. Crystal shivered a little," ya right," she replied.

"G-guys..." stella stammered. A giant mermaid like symbi appeared out of nowhere. Hibiki noticed it again. She quickly ran to gretal who is with her sisters.

"Stand back, this might get rough," hibiki added." Yay! You're here! Alright girls lets transform," queeny added from her bag which gretal tossed it to stella. But the two other girls look at each other in confusion... they did not know hibiki was a precure...

(I really dont know how to explain transformations but I'm sure you readers know what I'm taking about)

"Dodo! Lets play! Precure modulation!" Hibiki exclaimed. Gretal finally can tranform properly." Red, transformation start!" She exclaimed holding her wand out. (I'll try to do a transformation story board of all of the precure's transformations)

"Playing the wild rhythm, cure melody!" "With the power of goddess' light, cure love!"

"So they are the new precure... no... only that one... cure melody... shes the one of the rebellion ofcourse... who was it? Suite precure... well screw it, oktavia, they are your enemy," she called out to the symbi.

She then turns to the direction of cure love and melody." Becareful of it touch," love reminded melody. Oktavia von seckendorff summoned minions to fight them which was good. Both of them easily beat them all.

Oktavia reached out to grab melody but love intercept it." Precure.... lovely shower!" She aimed at it but nothing came out." No way!" She exclaimed." Precure... tone ring! Precure music rondo!" Hibiki did her attack and hooked oktavia but she easily broke out of it.

"Its a one star symbi.... I don't think melody can do it, love! Put more spirit in it!" Queeny exclaimed." Eh?! But how????" She moaned. Hibiki pushed love out of the way of oktavia's cutlass (its a sword).

"Mo.... spirit spirit spirit!" She copied from cure happy XD. Nothing still come out." Come on! Lovely shower, lovely shower, lovely shower!!!!!" Still nothing came out." Hahaha! Useless... oktavia finish them!" She successfully grabbed melody, at her touch, melody turned back to hibiki and fell asleep.

"Melody!" Love exclaimed which was a mistake as oktavia's cutlass cuts a wound onto her arm." Gretal!" Stella and crystal exclaimed.

Seeing hibiki and gretal like this... she remembered what the rainbow said: Don't give up, you are needed, march forward without fear and you'll get what you really want.

"I want power!" She suddenly exclaimed and a wand descended to her hand." Orange, tranformation start!" She transformed." Yes yes yes! She transformed!" Queeny exclaimed." With the power of sound and the sea, cure wave!"

Yeah the next chapter has a lot of spoilers

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