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our PoV

Its been 4 months now, and still were here in USA, its pretty nice here, we're living in peace here, Onii-chan and Kacchan were doing their best as heroes, and me? i stopped for a while, y'know pregnancy, and uhhh, I got a little secret here, I sometimes go out to meet Toga and Dabi.

Yes I know they were Villains, b-but,err they are the only one I could talk to! the're nice to me, and nothing suspicious. I used to visit the doctor with Dabi or I would go to the mall with Toga. Well I like them being around, since Onii-chan ang Kacchan was busy, and Mom is aslo busy on her orphanage, I chose to be with them, errr...and they're fun too! and guess what, Im soon on forgetting Shouto.

"Hey!! (Y/N)-chan~! and oooh~ your baby bump is getting bigger~" Toga approaches me "Oh hey Toga! how are you?" I smiled at here "Well duh, im fine, but this stupid here shouts at me allllll daaaaaaayyy~" she said and points at Dabi who did just rolled his ocean eyes.

We just went to the mailing office to send a mail to Shouto,
"Hey Toga? Dabi?" I said in the middle of silence while were walking. "Yessss?/ Hmm?" the answered, I took a deep breath "W-why do you guys hangs out with me?" i said and faced them "I-I know that you guys are not villains anymore but, my b-brother and kacchan were the no. 1 and 2 heroes, they will kill you when they found out im going out with you guys"

"Well (Y/N)-chan, y'know what?" toga says
"We are the actual heroes here, cuz your brother and that noisy brat were so busy and doesn't have time for you, but look me and Toga are always here for you when you need someone...right?" Dabi stated and Looked into my eyes "e-errrr I-I guess you guys are right" I said with teary eyes and hugged them "Iloveyou guys!".

"We love you too"


Shouto's PoV

Its been months since Bakugo,and the Midoriyas Left Japan, they continue working, except (Y/N), she stopped working for a while, on her last interview, she said that she needs a little break, well its been four month, but yeah, I still haven't moved on yet, she's still the one.

"Mr.Todoroki? A mail for you has arrived" a,mail? "A mail? where did it came from?" I asked my secretary Yunno "Its From United States Mr. Todoroki, The sender is,...oh...Its from Ms.(Y/N)" he said, a-and wait what! (Y/N)!?, "Put it here on my table, and leave" I ordered "Yes sir," He said,he placed the letter in my table and left.

I grabbed the Letter and slowly opens it,..
its a..
no way...
i-its an, annulment papers!?

"W-why!?, please this is a dream right!? please! this is not true! no!" my tears flowed, like a river, yes Im crying, I-I cant lose her! she's the only love of my life! I cant lose (Y/N)!!

you messed up, Shouto!! I'm a total asshole! arghhhh!


Author's PoV

Shouto got out of his office in a very unnecessary face, he look absolutely tired and broken, He met Red Riot on his way "Hey! Sh- Oh My God!? what happened to you bro!?" he said staring at Shouto "E-Eijirou..." he said and put a sad smile, "(Y/N), she sent me a mail" he said in a sad voice "aren't you happy?" The Redhead said as they walk through the parking lot, Shouto handed the red hero the envelope "read" the dual haired stated. The red hero opened it and starts to read the content, he flinched "these are annulment papers..." he said and looked at his friend who is now crying, "C'mon bro, lets have a guys hangout tonight, maybe me and the other guys could help you out," he said and led his bestfriend to his car and dials Denki's number "Yooo broooo!"

"bro? call Hanta and the others"


"Shouto-bro needs us, (Y/N)-chan sent him annulment papers bro"

"Oh fvck, ok ill call them, lets talk here in my place"

they hangup, Eijirou looks at Shouto, who is now crying like hell, "Calm down bro, We'll help you out" Eijirou said as he flashed his sweet smile.


boi look im backkkkkk! hehe here a sample of Eijirou's Sweeeeet smileeeeee! thenk me later brooooos

and sorry for not updating after years hehe ilove u all to those who still reads this! hshs i promise to update more! our Christmas break is coming sooooo yeahhh, again im really really sorry! love you guys! hehe

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and sorry for not updating after years hehe ilove u all to those who still reads this! hshs i promise to update more! our Christmas break is coming sooooo yeahhh, again im really really sorry! love you guys! hehe

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