Carmen SanDiego

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Yes. Where in the World I'd Carmen SanDeigo is a children's show on Netflix. And yes. I watch it, and I FRICKING ADORE IT. I read this article in a magazine about it, and basically they said what I'm thinking. This woman was searching Netflix for a show that both her and her son can enjoy, and she found Carmen. Basically, it's entertaining for all ages.
(I haven't finished S2 yet I'll probs edit this when I do)

    And, as a person who identifies as a Shipper, (basically set me in front of any dhow or movie and when it's over I can point out at least 3 fantastic usually non-canon ships and where in the show/movie a moment happen that makes the ship good. I Ship my irl freinds. Berkeley, do you remember Carley? That was my ship for my freind Berkeley and my freind Carver. They were soulmates.

    Anyway, I have a perfect, wonderful, adorable and gay ship for *sigh* yes, the best kids show ever. I'm sorry, it's just my reflex to ship people. Can't help it. Well. This ship.
Carlia. Kinda like Carley, right, Berk? (Lol I'll stop) let me just explain.

   Carmen SanDeigo is the protagonist of this show. She's cool and kinda OP ish, everything always works out perfect for her, but moving on. Julia. JULIA. She is such a FRICKING FLUFF BALL OF SUNSHINE IN MY LIFE. I'm soory, but she is too good for this world. She works for an organization who thought Carmen was working for the bad guys.

   The whole time while everyone was ready to capture Carm, Julia was all like 'Well maybe she is good?' She wasvright, but all evidence they had pointed against her being wrong. It was like she was trying to hold onto every shred of possibility that Carmen SanDeigo was not a bad guy. Because Julia wanted to belive she was good.

    Julia already had a short encounter with Carmen, and in the short amount of time they spoke
1. Carmen came up with a nickname for her (she calls her Jules and no one else does and it's so cute!)
2. Julia said she was traveling with her 'partner' and then made sure Carmen knew that it was her work partner and not her romantic one. (I tried to spell bisness, still can't do it, and one of the autocorrect answers was 'Bisexual'. Proof enough for me.)
3. Carmen basically flirts a little
4. She gives Julia a precious set of papers that had been stolen.

   That was enough to make me ship it. And there are more encounters in S2, I have to finish that before I update this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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