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Silently, his footsteps landed on the newly swept stone entrance. It was his first official visit to Kunlun Mountain, and having arrived wthout an invitation or even sure if he needed one, he was not sure how he would be received. He knew that Mo Yuan was in seclusion, but an important turn of events had just occurred that required his assistance.

It had taken a large dose of confidence just to come to that conclusion, but to actually call a cloud and travel halfway across the world to a man he was not overly keen on, was quite a feat, but a necessary one.

The Disciple that met him at the obelisk was one he had seen before but could not remember the name of, but the look on the mans face suggested he did not know who he was because for a moment, the man had stood there gaping at him, before stuttering his welcome once he realized he was not Mo Yuan, but the Crown Prince of the Celestial Heavens.

"Lord Ye Hua, Shifu is in seclusion and we are under orders from Donghua Di Jun, that we are not to disturb him for any reason." Zi Lan informed him most politely but firmly, Crown Prince or not. When Di Jun gave an order, no one disobeyed. Though for a moment, he had thought he was looking at his own Shifu, before his previous visit came back to him.

"I am here under orders of My Grandfather, The Skylord." he replied keeping his tone polite even though he was feeling more than a little put out to be rejected so quickly, seeing as it had taken him some time just to get there.

Thinking hard and fast, Zi Lan now found himself in quite a bind. To offend The Skylord was just as much a sacrelge as offending Di Jun, and unable to come to a satsifactory decision that would prevent him from also offending The Crown Prince, Zi Lan thought it best to pass it over to Die Feng, who was in the middle of a lesson.

"Ahh, well please follow me Lord Ye Hua. My senior is the one in charge, though he is currently running a class, I am sure he will be happy to meet with you." Zi Lan said with a even politer bow before quickly taking him to the top of the Mountain.

Glancing left and right, his first and only visit came back to him. Back then, it had been a spur of the moment visit, not an official one, only that time he had not known that Mo Yuan was his twin brother, so the news had come as quite a shock. But still, for them both to be in love with her was just as tragic as the circumstances of her trial, his sacrifice to return to her, and even his own long years of being trapped in a lotus only to be born though his death to then fall in love with the same women. And like Mo Yuan, he too felt it to be so unfair to all concerned, but it was what he had done to her and what she was now doing to pay him back that brought him to Kunlun Mountain.

And no sooner was he facing Die Feng, then he quickly ordered a private area to talk. This man too was her spiritual brother and one that would do anything for her, or at least he hoped and no sooner were they in the library, then a privacy barrier went up behind him.

"I am here for Mo Yuan on the orders of my Grandfather. Now I know that Lord Di Jun has given the order not to disturb his seclusion, but this involves Queen Bai Qian and the Demon Overlord. It is imperative that I speak with him." Ye Hua began while uncertain as to how much information he could share with him, seeing as Die Feng was Second in Charge and the one he needed to convince, hence the barrier. And then mention of his junior gained him the attention he was hoping for.

"Seventeen...." his voice lowered as his eyes began to darken. Her words were still ringing in his ears, and though Mo Yuan refused to answer any questions regarding her claim that she was in a marriage trial with the Demons Overlord, he suddenly threw aside the intial wariness to at least hear Ye Hua out before he made any decisions on whether he would disturb his Shifu or not.

"What is it that you wish to speak to Shifu of Lord Ye Hua?" he asked outright.

"Queen Bai Qian has left Qing Qiu with Guotin for the Demon Lands. She is in a marriage alliance with him, unfortunately, that puts the Celestial Palace in a precarious position, because as you know, Qing Qius army will tip the scales against us should we end up going to war with them."

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