A Warmer Smile

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For the next nine days, Qing Qiu was inundated with visitors from all over the world who had come to see for themselves, a woman who not only came back from the chaos but an Ice Queen who was actually allowing them into Qing Qiu for the first time.

This was also the first time that Mo Yuan had played host in a place other than the Celestial Heavens or Kunlun Mountain, and not only were the people inundating her with the questions regarding her miraculous return from the dead, but Mo Yuan once again found himself the centre of attention when some of the questions became too difficult for her to manage, having no idea how to even answer them.

"High God Mo Yuan.  It is known Queen Bai Qian and Lord Guotin were in a marriage trial before the war, yet it is you who is here.  Do you think there is a much deeper meaning to be gained from your shared experiences seeing as it is you that is here and not Lord Guotin." one very brave soul dared to ask seeing as this was something Mo Yuan and Bai Qian had yet to discuss between themselves.

Intrigued and amused by the question and what possible meaning he could be referring to, Mo Yuan instead turned the question onto him.

"And what meaning do you think we might gain from this shared experience?" he asked knowing also that it was a very personal one, and a matter that Mo Yuan was allowing the man a chance to intrude on.

It seemed the man completely missed the slight warning in Bai Qians eyes that were aimed directly at him, because he briefly thought on the answer while the rest of the guests gathered to listen.  If anything, it was plainly obvious what the answer was, only their attention was now on the man who dared to ask.

"I wonder if the reason why she was your student was because you......"

"Presumtuous!" A harsh voice rained down on his head and bringing what he had to say to an immediate halt and his head to lower deeply.

Looking at her, Mo Yuan once again saw that same woman he had seen the day he had arrived in Qing Qiu to meet with her.  The Ice Queen that the rest of the world knew was standing right there in front of him, and if he had not known better, he may have shivered, because her glare was frightening even to him.

"You dare to make assumptions based solely on gossip?" her voice lashed out dangerously and forcing the mans head to lower further while the rest quickly took a step back.

Watching on, Mi Gu, who was used to her rages merely shook his head at them.  The man really was a fool and he was actually lucky her brother Bai Zhen and even her mother wasn't there at that moment, or he may have suffered a severe injury before being thrown head first out the gate.  Only the look in her eyes suggested that he had hit a very raw nerve, and possibly one she had been trying her best to contain since her ressurrection.  Only the moment he decided to step in and perhaps offer her a drink to calm down, then Mo Yuan quickly took over.

"My dear, you are tired, why not go in and rest, I will take care of your guests for now." Mo Yuan suggested, only to shake his head at the round of soft gasps that followed.

"What did he call her....?" one whispered to another.

"A term of indearment?" replied another.

"So it is true what they are saying?" another asked.

"The God of War and Queen Bai Qian are.....?" yet another trailed off as all eyes stared from one to the other who had briefly forgotten about them as their own gazes remained fixed on each other.

And suddenly the nine days of being back among the living, talking, breathing, hosting visitors and continuing on as if nothing had happened, finally caught up with her.  The tears began to well, her shoulders shook and the thought of escaping was all that was on her mind.

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