Chapter 8: Birth Control..

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Two weeks had gone by,Bucky had Maxie coming to the office every day for lunch. The only afternoons he didn't have her at his penthouse were Tuesdays. He also had her home by ten she was never allowed to spend the night.

It was a rainy October morning Maxie was waiting for first period to begin. She called her sister in law Dr Melissa Brinkley. Melissa just got done delivering a baby.

"Hey Maxie..shouldn't you be at school?" Melissa said.

"Yeah I am. Classes hasn't started yet. Um you are a ob/gyn right?" Maxie said as she was shivering. Her winter uniform wasn't that warm.

"Yeah why are you asking?" Melissa said

"Do you think that you could get me on birth control? Like do you have any openings today?" Maxie said

"Um..let me check my schedule and call you back." Melissa said

"Thanks Mel." Maxie said

Melissa was her brother Thomas' wife he was a fire fighter one of her older brothers that is a a twin. A few minutes later Melissa texted her that she got her in for 11 AM.

She called Bucky who was tossing a football in his office. "Hey you. Aren't you suppose to be in class?" He said

"It doesn't start for another 5 minutes. Listen my sister in law is a ob/gyn she was able to work me in at 11. But the problem is my dad just fired my chauffer and put a freeze on my card." She said

"Say no more princess. I will send John to pick you up at 1030 and take you." Bucky said

"Okay.." she said

"Then I will have him get us lunch and bring you here." Bucky said

"Okay thanks. That's the bell I have to go." She said

"Okay princess. Goodbye darlin." He said

"Goodbye Mr Barnes." She said and hung up.

An hour later Scott came in with more bank statements. Bucky saw where all the trust funds had been frozen and Maxie's personal card was frozen. As well as Katherine's savings account and his 401k.

"Now he wants to get smart." Sam said as he came in and read them.

"Yeah I know." Bucky said

Around 1030 John texted Maxie that he was outside. She left and told him where to go. He turned on the heat when he saw how cold she was.

Melissa met her in the waiting room. Melissa let her fill out the new patient form in the exam room. She put on the gown Bucky texted her "No pills the shot baby get the shot its easier to remember."

She swallowed hard.

Melissa came in and shut the door. " are having sex.." she said

"Mel please..dont. I want birth control I dont want to be like the rest of the family." She said

"Sweetheart birth control can fail just as easily as a condom. Now lie back." Melissa said

Melissa started up her first papsmear and pelvic exam. "Good god Maxie who ever you are sleeping with must be big. You have some small tears down here. But otherwise everything looks good. Now which one do you want?" Melissa said as she rolled away from her to get a paper.

"Here is the list.." Melissa handed to her as she made her notes.

"The shot Mel." Maxie said

"Okay..we administer that every 3 months. You cant miss those appointments one missed appointment can result in a pregnancy. Condoms are to be used the first 7 days after getting the shot." Melissa said

"Okay." Maxie said

Melissa took off her glasses. She walked over to Maxie "Be careful okay. I hope who ever this guy is he is good to you and worth giving your virginity to. Im always here if you need me or Thomas." Melissa said

"Okay.." she said

The nurse came in after Melissa left the room. She gave Maxie her depo shot then left. Maxie put her uniform back on.

Once she got to the parking garage she found the town car. She smiled when she seen Bucky puffing a cigar on his phone.

He shook his head at her while letting out a breathe when he seen her. He ended his phone call "God damn I clearly went to the wrong damn school." He whispered

He kissed her as he opened the door. "Mm" he moaned as she got in.

They had lunch at a small bistro near his office. They went up to his office where they had sex on his couch. Once they were done they were laying there making out.

"Baby all warmed up now?" He whispered

"Yeah.." she whispered

He saw the time on his watch. "You gotta head back baby. I will be there this afternoon my sweet princess." He said

She pulled her clothes back on once they were both dressed. He walked her out to John to return her to school.

Later that night after she returned home from Bucky's penthouse.

Sean was standing in her room. "Where have you been?" He said

" the library.." she said

"Don't you lie to me!" Sean yelled as he smacked her in the mouth.

She ran to her mom in the kitchen. Katherine saw the smack mark "Sean Gilbert.." Katherine said as he came into the kitchen.

"I got a phone call today from Melissa's office. They couldnt get the health insurance to run. Turns out our daughter to it upon herself to get birth control." Sean said

"So that means you slap her. You need to go sleep off the scotch. I dont mind that she wants to be on it. And her sex life isnt exactly a daddy daughter conversation." Katherine said

Katherine made sure Maxie's face was okay. She finished her homework after Katherine got her dad to go to bed. She also texted Bucky but he was already asleep.

He got the text the next morning. "My god is he losing it " he said to himself as he ate breakfast.

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