Chapter 15: An Email Update

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While Bucky was in Tokyo with Sean a month into their business trip. Scott was sitting at his office eating an apple. His email pinged.

"You told me to let you know anything I had on a Maxine E Brinkley. You never told me to stop so here is some new information.

She is 4 months pregnant. Due in November this would certainly explain her recent disappearance besides her relationship ending with Mr Barnes."

Scott called Barnes Corp.

"Barnes Corp. This is Lucy speaking how may I help you." Lucy said

"Hey Lucy its Scott Lange. Is James in?" Scott said

"No he is out of the country till the end of July. Is everything okay?" Lucy said

"Yeah.." Scott said and hung up.

He bit his lip then clicked forward on the email and added his own message.

"James I forgot to tell my informants to stop digging around. This came in this morning..."

Bucky was in the middle of a meeting when his email pinged. He picked up his phone to see his notification.

"Email Notification
Scott Lange
Subject: Urgent Read Immediatley!! Not A Chain Letter!!."

He looked at his phone confused and opened the email from Scott. He swallowed hard as he read the information. He was able to finish the meeting once they got back to the hotel.

He called Scott.

"Do you have anything else?" He said as he began to pace his room.

"Yeah..her doctor is her sister in law Dr Brinkley of course. I was able to obtain her medical records she is 15 weeks pregnant with one baby. She has been seen going and leaving alone at the doctor's office. So that means that her parents must not know or maybe they do and thats why they dont mind her skipping out events." Scott said

"She would have found out after we ended." Bucky whispered

"Yeah." Scott said then he heard a click.

Bucky sat down on his bed and buried his face in his hands. He had another month left of his trip and she had blocked his calls.

He called Natasha.

"Hey Barnes.." She said when she answered.

"I need you to be a big favor Nat." He said

" something wrong?" Natasha said

"I need you to get a message to Maxie please." He said as tears welled.

"James Buchanan what is wrong? You sound like you are about to cry. You never cry. You are one of the toughest guys I know." Natasha said

"I messed up..Natasha I let her go. It was all suppose to be an act to get Sean to sign the deal. But the act quickly turned into something more. But I never wanted love or babies I stayed far away from it. And I made up some bull shit excuse when I ended it. I broke her heart and let her go. She is pregnant Natasha I love her please help me." He said as it all came up like word vomit as he cried.

"James.." Natasha said

"I know Im an idiot and a dumbass.." he said

"What's the message?" She said

"Tell her that Im sorry for everything. That I was wrong for ever letting her go. That um..I um.." he said

"You know what Buck..I will take this one. You just focus on your meetings." Natasha said when she realized this was Bucky Barnes.

"Thank you..and kindly ask her to unblock my number." He said

"Okay." She said and hung up.

Natasha called the flower shoppe. "Hi Im helping my friend win his girlfriend back. So I need two dozen red roses sent to a Maxine Brinkley." She said

The florist began to fill out the order form. "What would you like for the card to say?" She said

Natasha smiled at all her memories of them together. She knew he was turning to mush for her. "From the first dance to the last I was falling for you. I was to scared to say anything cause I never wanted love. I let you go for my own stupid selfish reasons. But this time apart has made me see that I was wrong. I love you Maxine."

"Okay I got it all." The florist said

Later that day Maxie was home alone reading her book. She heard a knock at the door she answered it two delivery guys brought in the roses. She signed for them and she found the card.

She wiped tears she carried them upstairs. Bucky paced his room waiting for any sign. Natasha had let him know what she did.

Maxie let out a breathe and called Bucky once she unblocked him.

"Maxie.." he said

"Hey.." she said

"Baby Im sorry..please forgive me. I was an idiot." He said

She swallowed hard. "James Im pregnant..this wasn't suppose to happen. How did this happen?" She said in a low tone.

"Shh baby we must of had a condom break during your grace period." He said

"James please come home.." she whispered.

"Baby I still have a crap ton of meetings. But um John call John he will let you in the penthouse. Maria can take care of you till I get back baby. You can't hide it much longer." He said

"Im so scared..I never wanted to be like this.." she said

"Its okay baby..I never wanted marriage or babies or love. But Maxie I love you and I miss you. And once you get to my penthouse face time me." He said as he looked out his window that over looked Tokyo.

"I love you too..can I bring my stuff to your place?" She said

He smiled "yeah princess this won't be like last time. You have my heart baby." He said

"Okay." She said

They hung up Bucky immediately called John and Maria. Maxie packed her suitcases and John helped her out of the house.

Maria let her in and John put her stuff in Bucky's bedroom. Maria made her some dinner that was healthy for the baby.

That night she face timed him and he got to see her baby bump. He wiped tears when she showed him her ultrasounds and she let him hear the heart beat that she recorded.

The next morning Bucky was having breakfast with Sean. Bucky knew he had to bit the bullet.

"Did you know?" Bucky said

"Did I know what?" Sean said

"That Maxie is pregnant." Bucky said

Sean looked down. "You knew.." Bucky whispered

"She didn't want you to know and Katherine well she was tired of the temper tantrum. So Katherine left me cause I wanted to give her the time she needed to process it all." Sean said

"Well that explains why she told me she was scared to be alone. She is at my penthouse right now. She is going to stay there with me we are back together." Bucky said

"Thats great. She loves you James and I hope you two are able to be happy together." Sean said

"Yeah me too." He said then he left for the meeting.

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