Chapter 2: Get Me Everything!

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It had been two weeks since that night. Sean wasn't budging on the deal after another unsucessful in person meeting. Bucky called his secretary.

"Get me Lange on the phone!" He barked into the speaker.

"Yes Mr Barnes." Lucy said

Bucky let out a breathe then lit up his cigar. He stared out of his top floor office that over looked NYC. A few minutes later Lucy alerted him that Scott was on the phone.

He pressed the answer button on his blue tooth. "Lange.." he said

"Yeah." Scott said

"I need you to get me everything you can on Sean Brinkley. The CEO of Brinkley Inc." Bucky said

"Okay..what are we talking?" Scott said

"Financial records business/personal. Family ties all of it..I want to know how many times a day this man shits. I want everything.." Bucky said

"You got it Barnes." Scott said

Scott Lange was a old high school buddy of Bucky's. He was also a private investigator whose made a quite the pretty penny cause of Bucky.  Bucky spent the day closing on some of his international deals.

Bucky was on his lunch break eating a burger and fries. Scott came in with a thick folder in his hand.

Bucky wiped his mouth and hands. "You got something for me?" He said as he swallowed his food.

"Yes I do. Here is all of his financial records." Scott said as he laid the papers down.

Bucky started to read over. "He has been under investigation in the past for tax evasion and embezzlement. But then the charges were dropped cause they had him confused with another Brinkley. He has filed bankruptcy 3 times personally and twice for his business." Scott said

"Whats with all the personal withdraws from his bank? There is even some of the same amount on his business account." Bucky said

"I looked into that. Sean Brinkley has 7 kids but claims 6. He has been married 4 times he is currently on his 4th marriage to a Cassandra Joanna. She is 35 years old she met him when she was 18. She was the reason why his 3rd marriage failed when she ended up pregnant. But that didn't stop his affairs from happening he has a 5 year old daughter with a 20 year old named Kennedi Allen. The with draws are child support payments as well as medical payments the daughter is battling leukemia." Scott said

"So he is using company money to cover up his mess. He also owes alot of people money for last year's mess of buying bad stock shares. So who are his other kids? Child support on them too?" He said

"No..his oldest is a 36 year old son lives in Boston works as a lawyer. His oldest girl is 35 works as a school teacher in FL. Those two are from his first marriage during his second marriage he had two boys that are 32 they are twins. One is a NY firefighter and the other is a lawyer in Jersey. And there was one daughter during his third marriage she is a 20 year old sophomore at UCLA. And lastly there is this one a 17 year old daughter who is a junior with a 4.2 GPA early acceptence into NYU. He is also a grandfather all of them but her are married and have kids. The 20 year old daughter is engaged but no kids." Scott said as he laid out all the pictures.

"Talk about a fertile he owes people money..its clear none of his kids want anything to do with him. And he is using company money to cover up his affair and child. Thanks Lange." Bucky said and paid him for his services.

"Thanks Barnes. See you later." Scott said as he took the check.

Bucky locked his office door he spread out all of the information on his conference table. He took off his tie and shoes he whispered "sorry mama." As he sat up on his table.

Bucky had a bad habit growing up of sitting in the middle of his kitchen table to do his homework. Winnie would get so mad at him. Eventually James bought another table to put in an extra bedroom for him to do it without her getting mad at him.

For hours Bucky went over every single detail that Scott gave him. He was drinking his scotch and smoking a cigar. His eyes kept going to Maxie he read over the copy of her early acceptence letter Scott was able to obtain,he read over her school records.

"God she must have a smart mama. She didn't get her smarts from her daddy thats for damn sure." He whispered.

He picked it all up and locked it away in his safe. He pulled his shoes back on and pulled on his coat to head home.

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