Chapter 13: Sean Breaks..

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It had been two months since Paris. Sean called Bucky one late February afternoon. He set up a meeting to discuss a deal. As he finished up the phone call Steve and Natasha came in all smiles.

"We are having a baby!." Natasha said

"What?" Bucky said

"We are having a baby! Im due in August!." Natasha exclaimed.

"Congratulations guys." Bucky said as he took a drink of his scotch.

Sam came in and said "Congrats guys." As he hugged them.

"By the way next Tuesday Sean Brinkley is coming in. He just called to set it all up." Bucky said

"Well lets hope its good news." Steve said

"I know lets hope." Bucky said

The following Tuesday at 11 AM Sean came in. Bucky had texted Maxie to let her know that she couldn't come during lunch. Sam laid out the contract as they awaited Sean.

Sean came in he sat down at the conference table. He swallowed hard he picked up the pen. He closed his eyes and signed his name on the dotted line.

"You win Mr Barnes. I will bring over all my contract files this afternoon." He said

"Good we can start cleaning up this mess as soon as the ink dries. Its a pleasure doing business with you." Bucky said

He had Lucy make copies of the contract for them to all have. That night he texted Maxie to let her know that she was allowed to come for lunch the next day.

She couldn't sleep she felt like she had done something wrong. The next morning she was restless in class she was bouncing her leg in the car. Lucy let her in Bucky came over to her.

"So we need to talk." He said

"Did I do something wrong?" She said

"No..but I have to end this. I'm going to be busy to busy for this. I own 60 percent of your dad's company and I have to help him clean up the mess." He said

A tear began to roll down her cheek. "Maxie don't cry." He whispered as he tried to wipe it.

She pushed him away. "Maxie.." he said as she walked away.

"Maxie" he said as she walked out and slammed the door.

"John take her back to school." He sent in a text.

Maxie didn't take the private elevator to the garage. She took the main one and walked out of the main doors. She wiped tears as she walked down the sidewalk.

Bucky got a text back "She never got off the elevator."

Bucky ran down to security to see what elevator she got on. He watched as she broke in the elevator and walked out of the lobby doors. He swallowed back the lump in his throat as he went back up to his office.

Sean brought over everything and watched as Bucky did business. He cleaned up the international messes. He was able to use his silver tongue into getting Maxie's college fund back.

They were there till midnight wheeling and dealing. Sean walked in the door at his house. Katherine seen him "It appears that James has ended his relationship with our daughter. He informed her that he is going to be to busy for her." Katherine said

Sean went upstairs and hugged her. "Baby he wasn't lying. We have alot of business trips. He is helping daddy clean up the mess I made. You will be alright baby." He said

The next morning she had an uber pick her up. She went to Bucky's office before school with a big box. Lucy let her in when he said it was okay.

"Maxie.." he said

She dumped the box on his conference table. He saw all the jewelry boxes. She sat a bag up there as well.

He walked over to her. "Maxie..dont these were gifts to you." He said

"No I hate you. You charmed your way into my heart and let me fall in love with you just to break my heart." She said

"Maxie you weren't suppose to fall for me. You deserve someone that wants the same things you do." He said

She walked away "Maxie..Im sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to fix my broken heart. But I should of seen this coming you never did let me be affectionate towards you. I wasn't even allowed to be on top except that one time in Paris. Goodbye Mr Barnes." She said and walked out.

He slammed his office door and locked it. He picked up all the stuff the watch the purse all the jewelry boxes. He put them all back in the box  he opened the bag to find her red dress and heels as well as her clutch.

He put them all away and poured some scotch. He let out a breathe and took a sip.

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