What a day!

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I was running late......... I overslept because it felt so good and peaceful. Damn....... I shouldn't have given in to my laziness and now I seem to be late on this important day.

Wait.......... why am I so excited and looking forward for this presentation. It's not like we are having the presentation for the first time right? Ah...... I know it .......it's because we will be assessed I guess.

I started running from my apartment and what a lucky I think I have..... a boy on a motorcycle was just about to hit me. As a sign of apology he dropped me in my college. I was about to ask his name and thank him when he spoke

"You will know me sooner than you think"

I couldn't see his face due to that large shiny black helmet but his voice was friendly and warm. The bell rang and it had me running through the corridors until I reached my destination. Safe for the day and I silently thanked the boy for saving my ass. The fist thing that I caught my eyes upon settling in my seat was him. He had his dress worn properly and permed his hair..... whoa he looked more decent and I had to admit it he can pull off with any look and style. Too much burden for being handsome. Girls were trying hard not to look at him but off course their hormones

I was busy studying him and caught myself in his eyes.... he was staring with too much intensity. His eyes were tell me something unintelligible. Our eyes were locked and as the time passed I could feel sparks travelling through my whole body. My eyes seem to be captured and my hands were sweaty.

"Ahem..... " Ah...... thank God that saved me. What was that before? What kind of magic was that?

"Good morning my little pies..... " I wanted to vomit. Seriously how can he be so cheesy that also 8 in the morning. I just wanted to sleep and skip his speech but I am a good student so I am not allowed to do that things..... things like going against lecturer, sleeping in the class or skipping the class. So I sat there turning a deaf ear and blind eye...... as if I am suddenly interested in the table upfront of me.

"Hello everyone.......... " that voice I think I heard it before. I lifted my eyes and was met upon with a pair of warm brown eyes and it stayed there.

"Continue" our lecturer said before I broke the eye contact. I am really getting confused with this eye staring contest but hey that guy was in my class. Does he know me? Does he remember me? Not that it concerns me. I continued with my work but my ears were active.

"I am Jamtsho. I transferred here from Paro College and I have a special person here in this class. Hope to get along together. "

Huh......he has someone in the class who is close to him. Guess he won't be lonely.

"Who I'd that person? "

The room went silent, my own breathing could be heard so out of curiosity I lifted my head up but found eyes staring at me. Upon looking at the guy I saw him pointing towards me. Me....... maybe he was mistaken I don't know him.... he got the wrong person.

"How have you been potter......" He was smiling. The pet name lightened me up for it was a name known only by my childhood friend. How could I forget that warm smile, that soothing and comfortable voice. Yes.....he is one person that I would like to be with. He is my childhood and best friend Jamtsho. I use to call him James so I think I really forgot his real name.

I smile foolishly at him and apologized with my eyes but he acted as if he was hurt. He took his seat infront of me. I am really happy to have him here but first thing first has to be forgiven by him.

I am really sorry..... James please forgive me.  I missed you a lot. Let's catch up later.
                                                     ;-) potter

He returned me the paper without a reply it was making me sad. He turned to me winked and showed me a thumbs up. It made me happy to be next to him and it was true that I missed him.... I really missed him.

The next period was the period that had me feeling all nervous and sweaty. I was not the presenter but by my reaction I looked like one. After standing up abruptly and a questioning eye from James I made my way to him. He seemed to be calm unlike me.

"Um.........Do your best. Don't be nervous and........ and..... if..... if..... you are nervous....... you can...... can just take a deep breath. You know it helps and when I am nervous I also do that...... not only me my mom, grandma, friends and..... and....... "

"I am okay. You see I will do my best so stop being nervous. You speak a lot when you are nervous.....that's kind of...... cute" he stroked my hair before leaving to do the presentation.Damn....... my heart just flipped out and I was blushing.

"Presenter for our presentation. " I replied before James could start with his queries. Our presentation was the best and he did exceptionally well.... I don't know why but I felt proud of him..... not him my group to be specific.

Our lectures ended sooner than I thought and with a satisfaction for the day I went out of the class and happily breath in a lump of air.

"Too happy to wait for me? "

"Sorry. It's just that I have never felt so alive before. What a day I had. Well you should compensate for almost knocking me with you motorcycle. Wait....... you knew who I was? That means you did it intentionally? My expression might have been hilarious for he was laughing so hard that he had to hold onto his poor bike.

"Was that funny? "

"Yup.......funnier than you think."

"So mister my answers. "

"I knew it was you after I almost knock you down.....but..... but...... you know..... you looked like I have cheated on you...... it is really funny. "

I couldn't stop myself from smiling because being with him makes me happy like the old times. We were  on our way to the canteen laughing and chatting when I saw him staring intently at him as if he wanted to punch James but his eyes were soft and filled with sadness when he looked at me. I was about to wave at him when he disappeared with the crowd of people.

I don't know what was with him? Wasn't he normal a while back? Is he sick? Did something happen? I know it is none of my business but I was worried about him...... more concerned with his life than I should be. I was confused with myself....... my reactions and my attitude keep on confusing me.

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