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That really took me by surprise not that I already was sane and calm. The moment I stood up and was about to collect the snacks he took my hands, pulled me towards him and hugged me. What the hell?Why did he hug me and who gave him the permission to touch me? I wanted to shout out to him but my blushing cheeks and knots in my stomach failed me.

Tell me who goes out and hug someone randomly? Does it make sense to hug a guy when you yourself is a guy? The questions were killing me but to fuel to the fire he just whispered something that threw me out of my mind.

"Found you............" What does if even mean and why does it concern me so much? Ahhhhhhhh....... if only I was able to punch that pretty smirking face. His mood seem to rise up so much to draw a graph. His words and actions were really engraved in my mind and it really frustrates me for my reaction seem to be insane..... blushing like a girl and spacing out.

We continued with the presentation and for the first time since I came to college I found him so much excited and enthusiastic about doing a group work. Maybe the rays of sunshine from the window was playing tricks with my mind because I caught him staring and smiling happily....... but I can't be sure for he seemed to be absorbed in the discussion when I take a glance at him. I think he is not as bad as people talk about....... he can be someone who is sincere and enthusiastic about something. His smile that I saw was the first and it was so warm...... lips stretched from ear to ear and his eyes also formed a sweet smile making us all warm and happy. He can be a good guy if he wanted to be....... I guess we just have to open up to him to know the real him.

I think we did a perfect work as a group. We went through the presentations various of times before finalizing it. After a few words of appreciation and encouragement we decided to go our own way. A way to the place called as home..... a place to cry alone and be alone. I was plugging my earphones when I felt someone tug my shirt..... let's just talk and leave.

"What.......... " The words were stuck in my throat when I saw the owner of the hands. What does he want now..... I sighed internally before .........asking extra politely to him.

"Hoo.........w may I help........ you? " I guess that sounded pretty normal.

"Uhm........You know that...... that....... um... I am..... the presenter...... so........ can you help me....? "

He looked nervous and he was fidgeting with hemp of his white collar shirt...... his behaviour was making me uncomfortable. It seems like he was not comfortable around me.....not that I minded but........I think some part of me wanted him to be comfortable with me...... let's say my secret wish.

"Um........okay. Wanna go to my place......... are okay with it? "

"Sure..... " the words hang in the air before I could compose myself and carry on with the conversation.

"okay.........let's go then.... "

We were silent all the way but his presence make me feel secure and I wondered whether the stalker would show up here as always. I stopped at the spot where the stalker stayed and spied on me. It was too late to realize the person bumping on me was him and on instinct I jumped and was about to sit on the road until I felt two strong arms supporting my body. Blood boiled and I felt myself blushing when I found him amazed with my reaction.

"Sorry......... I........ was not paying attention....... really sorry. " I excused myself from his arms and continued with the brooding but inside I was a mess.

Upon reaching my apartment we sat down with cup of tea and began with practice and eyes were getting heavy and without any resistance I fell asleep with my head resting on his shoulders...... you are getting too much comfortable with him..... the last thought ran in my mind before shutting myself down.


Talking to him took hell lot of courage and strength in me. I stammer and uttered some nonsense....
.maybe I wanted excuse to be with him. A little time to spend with him..... that's what my heart wanted and without rational thinking I asked him for help and to my surprise he agreed. I never know what is going on in his mind for his expressions are not decipherable.

The cutest thing I found out is that he looks so adorable while blushing. When I caught him off guard and had to hold him from falling he was blushing furiously. I think I fell in love with him before I even knew that he was the one who I was looking for.

His apartment seemed pretty and cozy. His scent filled the house and it was calming......a change of environment for me. We became busy with the presentation until I felt his head lightly rest on my shoulder. My heart gave away and butterflies went wild in my stomach. I liked the fact that he was actually comfortable around me to fell asleep like that. After practicising it for 2 hours I decided to tug him in the bed.

He was so light......and he felt tiny and just right in my arms as if he belonged there. My self control seem to be reaching it limit and I should probably exit before doing something bad. After tugging him in his bed I was about to leave when I had this strong urge to stroke his hair. It will not hurt just to stroke him right?

I approached him slowly and took caution to not wake him up. I stroked his hair lightly......but...... I badly wanted to kiss him. No you don't? I slapped myself but the desire was too strong to be outwitted. Just one kiss...... just a peck....and I found myself slowly lowering myself to kiss him.

His lips were warm, moist and sweet that I wanted to devour it. Sparks.....that's what I would call that I felt the instant I felt his lips. I wanted more than that. Control your emotions and just get out you idiot. He sniffled in his sleep and whispered a barely audible "thank you " It made me happy to see him sleep.

I made my way back hurriedly because his magnitude of attraction was too much for my poor heart. Some things that I have never felt was tugging my heart and mind. I wanted to do a good job...... I really wanted his acknowledgement. That night I had a sweet dream and slept happily.

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