Lockscreen wallpaper

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The least thing I wanted was a person between us but as if trying to test my patience he appeared out of nowhere and now I could feel the distance between us. I acted normal in the class but inside I was worried sick. It felt as if I had lost the battle before I even started to be serious. My person was slipping away from me and I didn't want that.

I saw him smile brightly at him and that set me on edge. James eyes always revealed love for him but I guess he is an idiot to notice it. I mean he is my good idiot and no one can take him away from me. I have waited for him for 6 years and when I finally found him there is no way that I would let him be taken away.

Tomorrow I won't loose I promise.


I was watching at the most ridiculous scene unfolding in front of my apartment. They were dressed up and leaning away from each other and seem to be calm but their eyes were far from being calm.... literally they were shooting draggers at each other. Upon my arrival they both smiled at me warmly but the tension magnified as I approached them.

They were fighting over who would take me to college..... it was unnecessary.....it's not like I can not walk myself to college. Choosing was a difficult task for me, I am a poor decision maker. Going with one meant leaving the other alone. So I came up with best solution.

We ended up walking together to the college with high tension in the air. Lot of attention, I mean more than necessary was sent to us. Well couldn't help it when two hot guys were walking with me. Did I just say that Namgyel is hot. I must have lost my mind.

They stick with me for the whole day and the magnitude of tension just grew. Trying to bring them together is just a waste of time as it will just lead into a disaster. It's not like I didn't try..... I tried but...... but...... let's just go back and see it for yourself.

In the class they sat near me and kept on having Cold War. The atmosphere in the class seem to get colder and colder. It's not like they knew each other way before and are enemies but there action was making me loose my mind. I waited for the right time before my retribution plan started.

I stood up cheerfully and invited both of them to have lunch with me and it worked well. With a evil smile I led my way to the canteen and made them sit across each other. Before ordering I pretended to go to toilet and left them alone. After returning back I saw them staring at each other with a look that would creep me out. If looks could kill was not a metaphor both of them would be dead.

Don't know what happened after I left that made them even more cold to each other. Guess they are same site of the magnet and cannot be friendly with each other. Their behaviour showed hostile towards each other and I gave up I don't want to make it worst.

After the class we were walking back to my apartment when James slided my backpack and smirked at him to my surprise he just took my hand in his and walked as if it's normal.

I was about to protest when the mobile fell from his pocket and I picked it up for him. The lock screen wallpaper on his phone stopped the time, the boy stared back at me; there was someone in the background, someone familiar and at that instant I felt my world crashing down. He can't be him..... I have tried so hard to run away from him....no way it can be him right?

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