The New Girl

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A/N : the picture above is to give an idea of the way you dress, the hair, eye color doesn't matter

There will be cursing in this fanfic in case you're too young, just a heads up! I will warn if more mature things get into this fanfic later on, otherwise enjoy!

-your POV-

My fucking good for nothing parents dragged be down with them to this small town in the middle of no where called South Park about a few days ago. Yesterday they enrolled me into my new school, and now I'm the new girl, I have a feeling all the stupid Fucktards and bitches who care about guys and make up are gonna wanna be friends but no way in HELL will I let the near me!

It's 6am at the moment, and I have to get ready so I throw on a gray and black loli dress like, and comb my h/c h/l hair. I apply my black eye liner and smokey eye shadow, then grab my lighter and cigarettes to stuff down into my black leather messenger bag and walk down stairs to be greeted by the smell of coffee and pancakes. Might as well eat so I can have something to puke out at any hideous sluts and jocks.

"Good morning sweetie" My mom, aka the Bitch of the house greets me. "My don't you look adorable!"

"Fuck off bitch, and DON'T call me adorable!"

"Gee I love you too."

"Whatever.." I say rolling my e/c eyes at her as I munch down on my food. That's about the only thing she's good at, cooking and baking.

I finish up and storm out the door walking to South Park Elementary, which is like a block away so I don't have to take the bus. As I walked, I passed by a bus stop with 4 (conformist) boys. They all seemed to take notice of me and stared at me from across the road. Not that I cared, and continued walking.

By the I got on school ground, plenty of students look at me and whisper into eachother's ears about me, maybe about my get up and stuff. I walked into the office to get my schedule, which said I belonged in Ms. Garrison's class. I also had my locker number and went to leave my stuff in my new locker. The lockers were red, and not black but maybe I could fix that later, or color it a darker red to represent blood.

The bell rung and I walked into Ms. Garrison's classroom to see a male teacher! Geez, the last thing I need right now is a gay teacher.

"Oh, looks like we got a new student. You're y/n l/n right?" He said in such a gay voice.

"Yeah, I am conformist, now may I ask but where do I sit or do I have to talk bout myself?"

"Um... Go ahead and talk about yourself then you can have a seat next to Stan over there, Stan raise your hand so y/n can see where you are."

"Yes Ms. Garrison" Stan said and raised his hand, he was one of the four boys at the bus stop.

"OK, well first off you all know my name, and for the record don't mess with me, I despise your kind. Tch...." I announce and sit down next to Stan.

"Hi, I'm Stan, nice to meet you y/n, " He said to me, thinking I was messing around in my introduction.

"... Hi."

For the rest of the time before recess, I fell asleep in class, only to be woken up by Stan when the bell rung.

I decided to avoid everyone and walk out to the back to smoke a bit when I notice a gate opened. I see 4 kids, and lucky for me they were Goths!

"Hey get the hell out of here you stupid confor-mist...." The curly haired boy hissed. "Umm... Who are you?"

"Y/n, and I'm new here. I see this is where the rest of you are, I was hoping I wasn't the only Goth in town, thank god! Any who, mind if I hang out and smoke? Thanks."

"Er.... OK, yeah and feel free to always come here, we don't mind just as long as you bring no one else other than us. I'm Michael by the way, and this is Firkle, Pete, and Henrietta." He said, introducing me to the others.

Firkle was the youngest out of the group, and Henrietta, Michael, and Pete were in the same grade as me. Pete was the red haired one. Henrietta seemed to be the only girl, but now thanks to me she's not alone.

I pulled out a cig and lit it up, taking in the toxic smoke and exhale it. I decided to get to know the goths a bit more and started a conversation.

"So, since I'm new, why not tell me about yourselves?" I ask.

"Not much to know really, we're just like you y/n." Pete replies.

"Yeah" The rest agree.

"Alright then, see you all tomorrow then unless you want to hang out tonight maybe."

"Sure, you can come over to my house, later y/n." Pete says.

"Oka- wait, I have no clue where you live."

"Meet me here at 6 and you can walk with me, sound like a plan?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." I say and walk to class.

The rest of the day goes by and once 5:30 rolls in I start making my way for the back of the school to meet Pete.

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