The Cabin

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-Michael's POV-

I swear this better be worth it, I didn't come all the way from the back of the school for nothing! Hell, if Y/N wants to explore this fucking dump and wants us to do it with her night as well. Speaking of dump, it smells like one too, like what the hell is it?!

"So now what? We're here, so this better be good Y/N." Henrietta questions.

"Gee I don't know I was thinking what if we had this place cleaned up and THEN we can make it like a hideout from society. Think about it, we can do whatever we want here, even murder our parents and live here!" Y/n replies rather excited, followed by the most insane laugh ever. I'm actually a little freaked out, but she's got a point.

"Okay then, but it's falling apart, what good can it be if it's rotten, and not to mention that smell?" I ask her, she turns to face me and grins.

"We can all pitch in and do at least something to fix it up. For instance, Henrietta can pick out the paint job on the inside, you and Pete can repair the walls and stuff, Firkle and I will get the internet and interior decor."

(Pete: ) "That actually doesn't sound so bad, but where on earth can we get that or even AFFORD it all?"

(Y/N: ) Good question... Well, I have saved a fair amount of money that can get the wood and maybe the paint. After that, what say each week we slowly pitch in about $20 each and go get stuff."

"Alright, then let's go see what we need to do." I say, walking onto the steps of the cabin. I opened the door and walked in. It was dark and stank like something's fucking dead in there. The others followed, and Firkle turned on his flashlight.

The furniture in the room was covered in plastic, as if it was all new but cobwebs were everywhere. I walked around and saw even the floor needed to be fixed. That's when I noticed it, a trap door.

"Hey guys, check this out." I called. They came and I saw that it didn't have a lock on it. I slowly opened it and unleashed the cause of the rotten smell. We all covered our noses blocking the smell when Firkle shined his light down there revealing something terrifying.

Cats. Dead. Fucking. Cats! They were hanging from the floorboards on wire, maggots on some of them and they rest black encrusted bones. I closed it fast and ran out of there, and went behind a bush and puked. Why would someone do that to those poor creatures!?

"No way are we making that thing a hangout! If you want it done SO badly, get those fucking disgusting things OUT of there Y/N!" Henrietta screamed, Y/N with a traumatized look on her face.

"I... I don't know! Let's just get out of hear, NOW!" She said, running off somewhere. Pete ran after her, and finally we all were out if this fucking place. I never want to come back here again.

-your POV; back at the back of South Park Elementary-

I was scared, cats were an animal I thought were rather cute and didn't dislike. Seeing that cellar was a fright, and I hope to NEVER sent it again. Pete could tell, and agreed, but so did the others. He put an arm around me to reassure me I would be alright.

I was so happy to have him as a friend, since he was the closest one I have. I decided to get out my packs if cigarettes and light one up.

"Any of you want one?" I offered the others. They each thankfully took one and took a drag. It worked a little, I mean, I calmed down. We stayed there behind the school all the way up till the school day came to an end and all of the students left for home. That's when I heard OUR gate being opened and there stood a boy dressed some what like us.


Please don't hate me for the thing with the dead cats! I was having a

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