I Love You

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-your POV-

I turned to see Pete running towards me, the others in shock, and the black and red haired goth gripping on my black dress.

"I'll walk you home, " He says, getting up and then faces the others. "You guys can let yourselves out, just don't make a mess."

"Sure thing." Michael states, Firkle and Henrietta nodding in agreement.

"Let's get going..." I say, already walking out into the night.

"OK, wait up, jeez you walk fast."

Around halfway to my house, I notice Pete leaning against my side which was really unusual for him, or any goth at that.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh! N-nothing just a little sleepy that's all I swear!" He panics, looking away.

I stop and face him towards me. "If your sleepy then you have a choice to either go home and I'll walk the rest of the way or you can stay at my place."

"Are you sure?

"Yep, Even if you do stay I doubt my parents would appreciate it if they have a hard time with me already."

"If that's the case, screw them I'll be going back, I have to deal with my shit-face so called parents who can suck my ass. See you around, Y/N." Pete says, startibg walking away.

"Er... Y/N wait!"

"Hn?" I stare to find him in my face.

He leans forward and touches his lips on mine- WAIT WHAT!? Did he just KISS me!?

Surprisingly I kiss back, and after a few seconds we break for air.

"Y/N, I know this is really fucking conformist, but I [think I] love you..." He states.

I was just in complete shock. How can a Goth feel conformist feelings? I mean, even though I'll admit he's 'my type' but huh?! This is not right! Gah! You know what, he's sweet, kind, and all that fucking good stuff so I'll have to admit maybe I love him too. No, I know I do!

"Pete I... I love you too." I dare say those words full of a conformist. I looked up to see him with a faint smile on his face. "Just one thing, we can't tell the others if you don't want to get killed."

"Promise, bye."

We both walk our separate ways and I arrive home, only to be greeted by-


"I was at a friend's house, that's all geez, fuck off."

"Look sweetie, I'm glad you have friends but you need to tell us when you're going out and coming home. There's plenty of bad people out in this world." My mother says.

Yeah there sure are, and I live with two of 'em.

"Whatever, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed bitch."

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