ii | save the world

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The buzz of excitement was almost as loud as the thrumming of her heart. She sat in the center surrounded by various colors of sparkling eyes; her presence shifting from tongues of the cats. "Why are they here?" "I bet they work for Wolfstar." "They're nothing but impostors."

Though, the she-cat's attention was soon turned away from the Clan's rustling rumors. Violetsky noticed an elderly she-cat, waiting by the sides of her den. Her fur glimmered under the beam of light streaming from the opening on the roof of her den. Despite Violetsky's intense gazing, the elder wasn't staring back. Instead, her eyes were glued on Violetsky's companion, Stormrunner. 

Violetsky became swamped with uncertainty. Stormrunner and the elder did seem surprisingly similar; they both possessed slim builds and had an unusual fire boiling beneath their eyes. She decided to push away these mindless thoughts as she needed to focus on the commotion before her. 

"I'm starting to think this wasn't the best idea," Stormrunner's gentle mew tickled the she-cat's ear. 

She nodded, "Give them time. After all, we are aliens to them." Violetsky took a quick glimpse back at the alabaster elder, only to find she wasn't there. "We'll have to earn our respect." 

Just as the words left Violetsky's tongue, the shining she-cat appeared paw-steps before the newcomers. Violetsky found herself breathless as the elder's fur rippled with sparkles under the bare daylight. "My faithful Clan," The elderly leader addressed, silencing her cats almost instantly, "Give a warm welcome to our heroes." 

Heroes? Violetsky tensed with shock. 

The crown of cats seemed as startled as Violetsky. The welcome they presented was everything but warm. Their furs bunched into spikes as their eyes sharpened with hostility. "You must be joking. They look as though they were dumped on the thunderpath!" Laughter echoed through the fields. 

Violetsky could feel herself melting in embarrassment. She flattened her ears in an attempt to lock out the laughter. 

"Might I just add in," A tom pompously stepped forward from the crowd. His golden fur drooped before his dark eyes, though it wasn't long enough to hide his jagged scars. "How do we know these cats aren't searching to stir up trouble? There seem to be more than enough foxes these days." The tom hissed while creeping toward Stormrunner, their whiskers inches apart from entangling. "I can smell the deceit sweating from their bones-" 

"Back off, Buzzardfoot." The interception was of a deep voice. 

Both Violetsky and Stormrunner directed their attention to the sound.
He was a sturdy tom, his fur shaded black with chestnut splatters. Similar to the other tom, he was covered in battle wounds. His youth buried under his scars. 

"They're not a danger to us- look, Buzzardfoot, you're scaring them." The tortoiseshell's optics flashed with explosive emotions. It was almost as though Violetsky could see the fury fuming off his frame. This tom had been angry for a while. 

Buzzardfoot flattened his ears, "What I'm hearing is that you're willing to let some strangers into our Clan and claim them as heroes. Since the day we were kits, we've been tested of our strength, dying to prove our loyalty. You of all cats should know this, Falconrain." The tom inched closer, scowling wordlessly under his breath. 

"You have no right to say that." Falconrain's voice strangely softened; the quiet before the storm. "You have not lived my life. Don't dare tell me what I should or should not think." 

"Then tell me," Buzzardfoot cleared his throat. "Are these the cats that look like heroes? Are they going to save our world?" 

Falconrain hesitated. His clever eyes rotated to fix upon Stormrunner and Violetsky. They skipped back and forth, back and forth. But each time his optics landed on Stormrunner, something flashed in his mind. He winced. 

Falconrain inhaled deeply as he faced Buzzardfoot once again. Slowly, the noble warrior bore the truth: 

"They already have." 


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