vii | bramblepaw

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"So what's your story?" The question burned the air. It was one that didn't rest easily. A topic that brought back flashes of memories too quickly; the good but mostly the bad. The big browned eye tom may have been young, but he felt as though he had seen the world. And to him, the world wasn't very pretty.

"I wish I didn't have one." Bramblepaw meowed quietly. "I wish I could start over."

The winds roar louder when everything falls apart. The rain scourged the roofs of the den, creating a cacophonous symphony. The long grasses lashed in the edges of wind, swinging and swaying to avoid the harsh confrontation. A she-cat stood, bearing the storm, her eyes blurring under the heavy downfall. "I hate you!" She screamed. She burned in hatred. "I have always hated you."

Stormrunner tilted his head, quite shocked such a young tom was speaking such words. Surely, he had to have been exaggerating. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't regret anything." A large shadow stood opposing the she-cat. His eyes blazed with a callous emotion. His dark fur seemed to make his eyes glow vividly. The scars on his appearance matched the scars in his mind. "Kill me if you must, but I will always be alive in your memories."

Bramblepaw's stomach clenched with unease. Despite the blaring sun and the flame of the daylight, he was chilled to the bone with scarring memories. He swallowed the pain in his throat, "I don't have anyone." Loneliness clung to his appearance as a thorn clings to skin. "My mother died after giving birth to me and my littermates. I was the only one to survive."

Stormrunner's ears flattened with a feeling of heavy sorrow. "And your father?"

"After her death, he went mad." Bramblepaw suddenly started shivering; feverishly, quickly. He was tormented by his past to such a level where he could still feel the claws shredding through his skin. "He shoved me,"

The darkness of the den never felt like home. It's dusk walls built a prison around the kit, and he was a prisoner. The thrumming of pawsteps haunted not only his nightmares, but his real life. His husky father barged through the den, his eyes awake with anger. The kit screeched in helplessness but nothing could stop the warrior. He tossed the kit aside, shoving him from the den and into the frigidness of the night.

"Clawed me,"

In this moment, death would be easier. Blood dribbled from the side of his face, boiling his skin. Wounds painted his appearance in a bright, red, sickly plasma. He cried and begged his father to stop, but he acted deaf. His father's claws kept him down by chains of destruction. There was no sympathy.

"Cursed my well-being."

"You useless rat," A loud, thundering voice burst above the kit. Sharp claws penetrated his sides, forcing his eyes to stare deep within the shadows. "Not even StarClan could love you." The large tom tossed down his kit, crushing his happiness under his claws.

Stormrunner was sick with shock. He could feel his snack from earlier coursing through his stomach. No wonder Bramblepaw was a jittering mess. He was frightened and abandoned from a young age. Stormrunner was without words.

Bramblepaw's eyes sank down to the ground beneath his paws. He caressed the soft blades of grasses tickling his legs. "But when I thought I had no one, someone showed up. My mother's sister, who I didn't realize cared for me, protected me."

"How dare you treat your son like that?" The rain splattered across her face, blending with her tears. Anger surged through her veins, mimicking the winds which tore at the grounds. "You're a disgrace!" The she-cat was suddenly struck by sudden seriousness. Her heart screamed in her ears. "I could kill you."

Stormrunner ruffled his fur. He already felt like he knew the ending, but still, he questioned, "What happened?"

Bramblepaw locked perceptions with Stormrunner. His features were carved with graveness. Who knew someone so energetic could also be so down? The young tom swallowed hard as if he were still trying to comprehend what happened. "She killed him."

"Don't try and fool me." The large tom laughed viciously. "I know you don't have the heart to do such a thing." His manipulation circled the she-cat. His laughing caught in the wind and seemed to echo from every crevice.

The she-cat stood tall. A single stream of tears trickled down the left side of her face. Her sister was gone because of this tom. The one she had loved most in her life, the one she would kill for. It was all gone. "I will protect the ones I love." Suddenly, her claws slipped from their sockets. They sparkled under the falling rain, threatening death. Her mind tossed and turned like a mighty ocean. Passion was hot in her bones as she circled with the tom. Shooting daggers for glares; it was unlike her to act in such a way. But she was starving for vengeance. And hungry warriors will do whatever it takes to fill their bellies...

There was silence between the two toms. The gap dividing them was like a soundless river separating two banks. In truth, Stormrunner didn't know how to look at Bramblepaw. Who knew someone could hold such a story behind strong eyes? "Bramblepaw- I-"

"It's okay." The ginger and white tom flicked his ears in dismissal. "I didn't mean to upset you- I-" Bramblepaw stumbled over his words. "I need somebody. Loneliness has kept me prisoner for too long."

Stormrunner nodded his head vigorously. He couldn't agree with Bramblepaw more. Stormrunner was desolate, shunned by his family, friendless, he deemed no one would understand him. To his surprise, someone as young as an apprentice understands him.

Bramblepaw braced, agony clear in his expression, "All I wanted was a father." His claws sunk into the soil beneath him. He exposed his vulnerability, his truth rose smoothly from his tongue, "I never had one."

It was as though Stormrunner was peering at his reflection in a lake. The way Bramblepaw's words fit his own story was quite scary. Was it possible both these toms met because of their father's mistakes? The gray feline shook his head. He focused back on the trembling apprentice, realizing there was now a place in his heart for Bramblepaw. He inched closer, dropping his head in friendliness. His tail wrapped around the apprentice. "You have me."


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