xi | all is settled

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aesthetic by afterstorms


A stimulating sensation flooded Wolfstar's veins. All of his sorrowed emotions faded as a wicked plan spun in his head. "When did you become so intelligent, Molesnake? Well done." He praised his faithful protector. Although, faithful may have been the wrong word to describe the brown warrior. And little did Wolfstar know, Molesnake wore his disloyalty like a cruel second skin...

At heeding the tortoiseshell's grave suggestion, the two cats couldn't help but frown in wonder. They held each other in a gaze, questions like birds flapping through their minds. Violetsky felt the strong compulsion of nerves ripple through her blood as she wondered whether Echostar was frustrated with them.

Stormrunner turned his single blue eye back to face Falconrain, "Tell her we'll be there in a minute." The large tom truly didn't want to bury away everything he was promised he would speak. He wanted to keep the conversation running with Violetsky, then maybe his past would stop haunting his dreams.

Falconrain lashed his tail indifferently, "No," His voice boomed quite strictly. "She needs you now." His face flushed with an uncivilized emotion, however, Violetsky couldn't place her claw on it.

She sighed deeply, letting go of finally having the chance to speak with her mate. "If not even Echostar can wait, it must be important. Let's go." She gave a soft, encouraging nudge to Stormrunner's shoulder. Almost as if she was saying their conversation wasn't completely over.

When the two cats stood, the mottled tom directed the way through the large campground. His lean body would easily slink through the swaying grasses, his long legs outstretching into wide paces. Violetsky and Stormrunner dropped falteringly behind, Falconrain's steps were much quicker than theirs.

The small group then neared the leader's den, which looked similar to a snake's burrow underground. It was built intelligently, so any cat overlooking the surface of the moores would have no idea the den existed. The cave-like den drew deep into the ground, remainders of roots strewn upon the ground. Violetsky, eyes wide with jolting fear, couldn't help but twitch with flashbacks of the rogues she and Stormrunner had encountered on their journey. She no longer enjoyed traveling into such tight spaces.

Long, twisting vines fenced the entrance of the den and strangely enough, Falconrain paused before pushing his way in. He whirled around, facing Violetsky. He lowered his jaws to her ears, a clear height-difference between the two felines. "Don't say anything you'd regret." He warned in a low volume, glancing around grudgingly.

The words seemed to seep through her skin but she couldn't place her means on it. But before she could question the tom, he was already nosing his way past the vines and disappearing into the den.

Violetsky was timid to follow, not sure if she was ready to accept what would confront her behind the vines. However, her curiosity moved her paws for her, leading the way into the den.

The den opened to a much wider expanse than the she-cat had expected. She wondered how much time WindClan must have spent digging the tunnels, then her stomach churned sickly with another thought. How many cats had died in these tunnels? Realizing her head was entwined with too many worries, she let her eyes wander. Sitting rather calmy, collected in a circle on the edges of the den, was a small gathering of cats: Heathersong, who was Echostar's first apprentice, Redhare, WindClan's deputy, Echostar, Falconrain, and-

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