xiii | forest of snakes

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aesthetic made by faithwishes-


It was another passing day. The great bright sun fell below the horizon once again, giving way the expanse of stars above. While cats sat around, their eyes bathing the sight before them, all he could think was that it was the same old sunset. It was his same old life.

Even though it occurred weeks ago, Stormrunner couldn't fully digest what Echostar had told him. They were kin. But does kinship necessarily mean friendship? Every time Stormrunner met her eyes or passed her in the camp, there was not an exchange of words between them. There were no expressions of emotions or even a hello. Meanwhile, Violetsky was loving in her life in the old WindClan territory. She had gained an abundance of friends who were all against one thing; Wolfstar. The gray tom always reluctant to join their parade as Violetsky's new friends held a vendetta against him; he was Wolfstar's son. Stormrunner had never felt more alone in his life.

"Stormrunner," The low warble of his name intercepted his thoughts. He twisted his head to see the familiar tattered pelt of Falconrain. He revealed himself from behind the warrior's den, each graceful step seeming as though he was walking on thin ice. "May I have a word?"

The silver tom pricked his ears, quite surprised to see Falconrain. The soldier had disappeared for a few nights, not that anyone else cared to notice. Stormrunner cleared his throat suddenly. Out of the sickly sweetness in his heart, he agreed, "Of course." He followed the nimble-footed tom back behind the den.

The long grasses cloaked over Stormrunner's shoulders, the ends of the lush blades tickling the warrior's spine. Falconrain slinked easily through the cluster, as though he were a snake camouflaged in the undergrowth. Stormrunner's mind whirled, why was Falconrain acting so secretive? What did he want to address?

The scarred warrior came to a soon stop, his glass-like, fragile green eyes locked into Stormrunner's. "Listen to me," A boorish whisper seethed from his tongue. "You tell another soul of this conversation and you'll be running for the winds." Falconrain's threat was like poison seeping into skin. His reptile-like eyes flashed dangerously.

Stormrunner was at a loss of breath. It was as though he had swallowed a stone and it was stuck heavily on his chest. Then realizing Falconrain was waiting for some kind of response, he nodded his head quickly.

"I hate snakes," The tortoiseshell tom began with a sharp inhale, "They're dangerous, deceptive, venomous. They're the sort of thing you strive to keep away from your loved ones." Falconrain swiftly glanced to his left and right, checking for one last time to see that the two toms were alone. "Us warriors," His voice deepened, "We kill snakes before they kill others."

Stormrunner, clearly out of patience, hissed, "Why are you telling me this?" His pelt bristled sharply, each strand of his har spiking with sourness.

Falconrain lowered his head, his whiskers so close to Stormrunner, it was almost as if they would intertwine. "I demand you kill Molesnake." The words left a feverish chill to dance in the atmosphere.

The gray tom's mouth hung open in despair. Was Falconrain serious? Every emotion in Falconrain's facial expression screamed with somberness. The tom was broken beyond repair, he was gaining his own satisfactory vengeance through Stormrunner's weaknesses. However, Stormrunner didn't want anything to do with Molesnake. "Why me?" He stammered, "I couldn't do such a thing."

"Because," The exception rolled off his tongue. "I'm too busy fighting my own battles." As Falconrain explained, gardens of sorrow sprouted in his eyes. He had been fighting for too long. "Besides, you're the son of a villain." Falconrain looked Stormrunner up and down, not a hint of sympathy in him. "It's expected of you."

Stormrunner's heart shattered in his chest where to every shard pierced right through his skin. After a long time of running to escape his bloodline, he found he would never escape. Death would be his only way out. Anger surged like a storm beneath his claws. I'm not my father, he roared to himself. His sanity tossed upside down, now all he could feel, conquering his blood, was the energy to kill. "No, Falconrain." He bellowed quite boldly. Stormrunner knew that he was not a killer.

Stormrunner already knew Falconrain was unpredictable. He was a brewing storm disguised in colored fur. Before Stormrunner could even witness the attack, there was a watery sting above his eyes. Falconrain's razor-shaped claws sunk into Stormrunner's hide, drawing a thin line of blood that dribbled onto his face. Stormrunner stumbled back, too baffled to intelligently react.

"If you don't do as I say," Falconrain mumbled, his claws stained with thick plasma. "You can expect a painful death." The tortoiseshell tom retracted his claws, giving Stormrunner a harsh shove. Before leaving completely, the tom turned back. His jewel-like eyes studied Stormrunner cruelly as if he were facing a villain. "Trust me, son," Falconrain spoke quietly, "We don't need any more snakes in this forest." 


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