iv | all of your regrets

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aesthetic by faithwishes-


The harsh winter wind was almost as sharp as a shard of glass piercing skin. His fur bellowed backward as he climbed over the large hills. But as strong as the winds were, nothing could keep him apart from Violetsky. 

The midnight sky stretched above the tapering hills, creating a base for a peaceful night. The way the stars sparkled together was something that always interested Stormrunner. Although he wasn't much of a dreamer, there was something about midnight that spurred emotions in him. 

Even though Stormrunner's devotion to the she-cat could never be broken, he approached her with much nervousness. Without words, he sat beside her, following her eyes into the never-ending sky. Silence was the only sound between them. 

Without looking at Stormrunner, Violetsky spoke, "You know I would never lie." She paused, the truthfulness of her words too dense to soak in. "So when I said I loved you, it was the truth. I love you, Stormrunner." 

What Violetsky said was indeed the truth, she was no liar. But instead of feeling relief, Stormrunner couldn't push past the events before this moment. He had never seen Violetskly so upset. It all seemed so real. It scared him. 

"I was-" The pale she-cat stumbled as she searched for the right words. "I was furious. I've been waiting for this moment for all of my life. I keep thinking of all the helpless prisoners still stuck in Wolfstar's camp. I keep thinking back to when I was one of them, I wanted a hero." The pale cat paused and closed her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she overpowered her sorrowful sensations. Opening her eyes, she gazed at Stormrunner intently. "I was lucky I found mine."

Stormrunner didn't acknowledge her last comment, instead he frowned, "And Adderpaw?" He tilted his head as he examined his friend. "You know I didn't-" 

"I know!" Violetsky shouted as she prevented Stormrunner from further explaining what happened that night. Her heart's beating rapidly increased as the tension stiffened between the two. She knew she couldn't avoid the truth forever. 

"Please tell me what's wrong, Violetsky," Stormrunner begged in slight frustration. "You can't even say his name. You tense up every time he's mention. And you act as though you're avoiding something." The scarred tom was gentle with his words, but Violetsky could see the clear confusion he held. "Do you hate me for what I've done? For what happened that night?" 

Violetsky's breath staggered as she fought for an answer. What happened to Adderpaw was many moons ago, though the pain that inflicted Violetsky suggested it occurred yesterday. "I loved him, Stormrunner." 

"You barely knew him." The tom flattened his ears. 

Violetsky knew Adderpaw now walked with the stars, but the feeling of his presence was compelling. "It felt like I had known him for years. Adderpaw was sweet and so brave." Her eyes lifted into the starry sky. "He spoke with his soul and dreamed with his whole heart." Violetsky paused, searching deep within herself. "And the reality of never seeing him again hurts." Tears dribbled from her eyelids and tangled into her web for whiskers. "It hurts so badly, Stormrunner." The she-cat lost her words in her sobs. 

Stormrunner comprehended her words in harsh silence. He felt worthless; like all the love he had spared Violetsky meant nothing to her. He risked his family, his life for her. And all of it meant nothing.  Anger pulsed through his veins. Instead of comforting Violetsky, he bluntly spat, "He's dead, Violetsky!" 

His words stunned the she-cat. She froze with sudden shock.

"He's gone!" Stormrunner shouted bitterly. "He can't love you, he's dead!" Stormrunner didn't realize how atrocious he had become until he noticed Violetsky backing away. Her lavender optics were enlarged with terror. She was afraid of him.

The tom swiftly shook himself awake as realization hit him hard: was he turning into Wolfstar? The reason his father is the monster he is today was because of his uncontrolled anger. Stormrunner glanced down at his unsheathed claws- was he following his father's pawsteps? 

"Stormrunner," Violetsky glanced at Stormrunner, then at his claws, then back to him again. She couldn't speak; there were no right words to say. Her emotions hung, twisted in the air; she wanted to scream at Stormrunner but she also felt the need to embrace him.

"I'm sorry, Violetsky, please-"

"I can't." Violetsky pulled away. 

"You can't what?" Stormrunner wanted to change everything that just happened. Looking for trouble always ends in trouble. And now his relationship with Violetsky was damaged.

"I can't love you like this." Violetsky exhaled heavily. The nighttime wind howled in the cups of her ears. The long grasses tickled her legs as she stood hopelessly gazing at the one who she once believed she loved. 

Stormrunner opened his mouth as he ventured to justify himself. But a sudden rustling behind the bushes made both cats swivel their heads. Their attention was shifted from their problem to the disturbance. 

A pair of green eyes unfolded behind the shrubbery. "My, my, look what we have here," A low voice growled.

Without thinking, Stormrunner sprung in front of Violetsky, his fur rising into spikes. "Who's there?" He snarled while moving closer to protect his friend. 

A black figure slipped from the undergrowth, revealing himself. Both Stormrunner and Violetsky were horrified to their very bones. It was Fangs. A vicious grin smeared across his features, "All of your regrets."


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