xiv | dna

295 16 18

aesthetic made by WarriorCatLover231


The darkness of the night was like an illness seeping through every inch of his skin. He stood, concealed in the shadows, above an innocent, sleeping soul. He rocked uneasily. His mind was a grave ocean, tossing and turning with the conflict of good and bad. Falconrain's words dictated his head: "You're the son of a villain. It's expected of you." He flinched at the imaginary claws grinding into his throat, peeling the breath from his lungs. His death rested on the fate of his decision. Should he kill Molesnake?

Stormrunner was arguing with himself. A side of him was ravenous for blood, he was whispering, 'Kill him. Kill him now.' But every coin has two sides. He also wanted to scream for help. He was drowning and needed a lifeboat.

Stormrunner, with a heavy sigh, studied the sound asleep appearance of his mentor. Was this Molesnake's destiny? Was this his destiny? The gray-toned tom slowly raised his brilliant claws, the anticipation building within his bones. He gulped down a shivering breath, forcing every bit of his focus into the attack. Suddenly and with no agony, Stormrunner thrashed down his violent claws-

But he was no killer. Stormrunner hurled himself from the den, his movements as quick as flashes of lights. He was a gray blur, racing under the midnight expanse. His heart thundered in his chest like a raging storm. All he wanted was to run away. His body, mind, and soul all ached for freedom, he needed to run. However, he wasn't running away from Molesnake or Falconrain. Instead, he was running from himself.

Stormrunner hurried through the long grasses, the crashing wind shoving him onward. The bottom of his paws throbbed as he plowed through the greenery. He wasn't thinking of the family and friends he was leaving behind, he was only relieved he was finally escaping. Stormrunner flew further, over the tapering hills and out through the heather tunnel which welcomed one into WindClan.

At last, he thought he was free. But he thought too quickly. There was still a shackle chaining him down. He was still a prisoner to someone

"Stormrunner?" He lifted his chin, his Neptune eye touching into a pair of lavender ones. The she-cat's voice was laced in honey, however, she was shocked to see the tom in such a rush. "What are you doing?"

He found he couldn't answer her question. The truth stung so badly to admit. His throat closed, heaviness blocking his words. All he could do was stare blankly, waiting for her to speak again.

Violetsky circled the tom, a frown crinkling her gaze. She saw the sweat clinging to his sides, his heavy breath ruffling his long whiskers. He was running. "Are you leaving?"

Stormrunner still had no answer. "I- I," He stumbled distressingly. Even though he didn't fully admit he was leaving, by reading the embarrassment hot on his face, Violetsky could place the words in his mouth.

A flash of sorrow shattered her moonlight eyes. "What? Why?" Too many questions spurred onto her lips. "I don't understand." All she could think at this very moment was of Wolfstar's warning. He told her of this moment.

"Violetsky, I-" His words tripped over in guilt. Stormrunner exhaled, avoiding the she-cat's heavy optics. "I'm no good here." He exhaled, his panting sides slowing as he calmed his breathing. "You have to let me run." It was a bare whisper, a shiver through the midnight sky.

"No." She refused. Tears rested on the edges of her eyelids, threatening to spill over. "There's nowhere to hide, Stormrunner!" Violetsky's melancholy was shifting into an emotion much stronger; anger. She was outraged at Stormrunner, Wolfstar, and mostly herself. "You cannot escape your DNA!"

Stormrunner turned his back to the crying she-cat. He couldn't bear to face her, leaving was unpleasant enough. But he knew deep down in his frosted heart, she was right. He had to tell her the truth. "I'm scared," He breathed. "That once you get rid of my father, you'll get rid of me too."

Violetsky shook her vigorously. Her lower lip twitched as sadness overtook her soul. She tried to convince Stormrunner that wasn't true and maybe he was just lost "You're confused-"

"I'm not!" Stormrunner shouted, his single blue eye whisking around to face Violetsky. "You hate me." After time and time again of Stormrunner trying to earn Violetsky's heart, she only pushed him away.

"No Stormrunner, you're not listening." Violetsky gripped her paw to his shoulder, trying to pull him closer to her. But the silver tom yanked cruelly away from her embrace, a sour expression cast on his front. She lamented, terrified of suffering without him. "I love you."

However, those three forced words weren't enough to make him stay. The cloudy-colored tom wasn't going to fall into her grave of lies again. Stormrunner shook his head, moving a few paw steps forward. But Violetsky spoke again,

"Where on earth are you going to go?"

The question burned the air like a forest fire. Stormrunner's body buzzed in hot goosebumps. Smoke infiltrated through his nostrils, he knew Violetsky would despise his answer. "My father," He didn't look back. He could feel Violetsky's hatred radiating like electricty from her bones. "Around him, I'm not a villain."

This was it. Their final moments together. "Goodbye," He sputtered painfully. Then Stormrunner moved on. He galloped away from one holding him back, over and above the rising meadows. He was no longer a prisoner. He trekked deep into the violet strands of heather until his very last hair disappeared.

Violetsky stood, rotting in despair, as she watched Stormrunner leave. She was without words, there was nothing to be said. Stormrunner betrayed her. He ran to go back to his father, his dictator, like a brainwashed soldier would.

"Violetsky!" A pitiful, little mew intercepted her silent onslaught. Her eyes turned to fall upon the small figure of Bramblepaw, her adopted son. His dark eyes were wide with agony as though he had been sliced mercilessly through the stomach. They held strong eye contact, speaking only through their eyes. And Bramblepaw's pain said everything. Watching his second family fall apart was like revisiting Hell. He suddenly collasped, his body sounding a thump as it fell beneath the swaying grasses.



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