i | prologue

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a few years before... 

The march back home was a painful one. Defeat hung heavy in the atmosphere like a thick fog, easing the once-mighty warriors to their death. Though the single, sole survivor suffocated in the haze. He suffered alone in the chaos; both the physical and mental pain of war tearing him limb from limb. 

But something deep in his bones refused to be stowed away. It blazed and burned and pushed the warrior back to his paws. His breath rattled out through his lungs as he tried to gain back his strength. Despite his attempt to focus on reaching home, his mind flashed with memories. The merciless spark in his enemy's eyes, the cries of his friends as they reached their ends. The warrior stumbled. 

Why did I survive? Why did StarClan choose me? The soldier's thoughts turmoiled endlessly. But he limped onward, each staggering step marked with the red splash of blood. 

"Falconrain?" It was a relief to hear a familiar voice. "Oh, StarClan," The sound belonged to his Clan's medicine cat. Her faint thudding of paws neared the battle-scarred tom as she rushed to his side. Her strongly scented herbs soothed the warrior. 

"Is there anyone else?" Her question tore his heart all over again. The screams from his Clanmates echoed in his head. "Falconrain? Are you alright?"

"N- No-" The tawny tom stumbled over his words. "They're dead. All of them." 

The healer gasped. Her eyes flashed with millions of emotions. Falconrain could tell she didn't want to believe his words, but all he was speaking was true. "Even..." The she-cat tilted her head as she addressed Falconrain's partner. 

"Yes... Even her." Tears pricked the tom's eyes as he thought of his she-cat. He didn't get the chance to say goodbye. His world without her would be a war he couldn't bear to win. 

"I'm so sorry." The medicine cat tended against the tom as she supported his weight. "Let's get you home, Falconrain." 


The darkness of the den was oddly offsetting. The newly nurtured Falconrain paused at the entrance, a shiver of doubt sailing down his spine. "Mother?" His voice resounded off the empty banks. 

As he crept forward into the darkness, the quick blink of white fur caught his eye. "Mother!" The she-cat was sprawled on the cold floor, her blurred eyes swamped with agony. Falconrain crouched by the motherly figure. "Mother, what's happening?" 

"My son..." Her silent voice stung the air. "They're coming." 

"Who?" Falconrain was struck by a wave of terror as he thought she was foretelling another battle. "Who's coming?" 

Then suddenly, a small smile spilled onto the she-cat's face. She whispered ever so softly, "The heroes, my boy. The heroes are coming." 


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