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"I like Taehyung. A lot" Jungkook says to himself, sitting on his shitty couch with a beer in his hand and stares at the blank wall.

"Ya know what else I like? Money. Where the fuck did Mom put her money"

He looks up "Mom—" then shakes his head and looks down instead "Mom. Since you're probably in hell and you're gonna lie to me, I'm asking you, as your son, for the love of god or satan in your case where the fuck is your money"

Why didn't Jungkook just stay in the mansion after she died? He just couldn't bear being in a household where someone died. He wasn't fast enough, that's the issue. He could've stopped her from jumping and she wouldn't have—

"STOP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD" Jungkook yells, fisting at his hair in a painful grip.

He winces as hot tears roll down his cheeks - it's just so unfair.

"T-Taehyung..." he whimpers

He weakly grabs his phone and tries to ignore the shooting pain in his head when he presses 'call' on Taehyung's contact

He listened to the ringing for a couple seconds before Taehyung picks up "Hello?"

"Taehyung.... I need you. P-please" he shakily whispers out

Taehyung immediately rises from where he's sat and grabs his coat "O-okay I'm on my way just hang on!"

"Wait n-no don't hang up please..." Jungkook pleads "My head h-hurts and I can't br-eathe"

"Okay don't worry, Jungkook just keep talking to me!" Taehyung pants as he sprints over

Jungkook stays silent, his throat suddenly getting dry

"Jungkook... have I ever told you how beautiful you are?!"

Jungkook slowly nods and even though Taehyung can't see it, he senses it

Taehyung smiles "One thing I love about you is your smile! Do you love your smile Jungkook?"

"Y-yeah I guess it's kinda cute"

"It's so cute" Taehyung chuckles "You know what else is cute about you? Your laugh! I love your laugh! It makes me so happy when you laugh, can you laugh for me right now?"


"Perfect!" Taehyung lies "I'm almost there! You're so strong babe... I admire you"

"That's a big fat lie..."

"No! It's true! Now open the door! I'm here!"

Jungkook whines "My head hurts so much... i can't breathe"

"Open the door please Jungkook" Taehyung bangs on the door "Or I'll kick it down!"

"I can't get up..."

Taehyung groans and mumbles to himself "Fine then"

He brings his foot hard on the door which doesn't budge. "It's so easy in movies though..." he complains

He tries throwing himself at the door which slightly helps but doesn't realise how much the noise is hurting Jungkook.

He throws himself at the door one final time which finally pushes it open and runs to Jungkook who's face is scrunched up in pain

"I'm so sorry baby..." Taehyung apologises, giving Jungkook a painkiller and water.

He carries Jungkook to a random room where the draft from outside can't hurt them and lays him down in a bed.

"Stay..." Jungkook lets out

Taehyung hesitates before sliding in next to Jungkook and holding him tight, pressing Jungkook's head against his chest and tangling their legs


Jungkook shakes his head "If i do that then you'll leave"

Taehyung sighs "Don't worry. I promise i'll be here when you wake up"


Jungkook woke up with no one beside him

He groggily makes his way into the living room and squints his eyes at the sunlight when he sees Taehyung in a tank top with a power drill, drilling the screws and hinges of the door back where they belong

Taehyung turns around for a brief second and his eyes widen when they meet with Jungkook's.

"I know I promised but I really had to take a piss then I looked at the door and figured anyone could walk in so I planned to just fix the door then go back to the room to cuddle with you, I did NOT mean to break the promise, I would never do that to someone as precious as you, I am SO sorry I did that you must feel really upset right now so to apologise would you like me to make you some pancakes? If you don't like pancakes I can make an omelette or fry an egg or—"

"sTOP!" Jungkook giggles. "It's fine! Let's just eat some cereal, I'm not upset"

Taehyung lets out the breathe he didn't know he was holding "Oh my goodness thank god i don't know what I would've done if you were upset, would I go sit in a ditch? Yes or maybe—"

"Bro. Stop. In all that time, I've managed to make cereal for us both"

"Oh" Taehyung fake smiles and follows Jungkook to the table and eats his cereal.

Jungkook doesn't need to know the pang Taehyung felt in his heart when Jungkook said 'bro' even after Taehyung called him 'babe' and 'baby' and even cuddled with him.


why the fuck is this book so angsty this is not what ya'll signed up for—

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why the fuck is this book so angsty this is not what ya'll signed up for—

bitch i need to sit down

also Jungkook cut his hair which took away a massive piece of my will to live but whatevs

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