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ya'll wont be ready for this

3 years later

"Baby stop crying..."

"It's hard not to"

"Just take out your phone for me please"

It seemed like deja vu, after years of being together again, they were finally remarrying. Did it seem like the right thing to do? At first, no. Trust issues started after the first marriage, who's to say they won't start after the second marriage? No one knows. But everyone deserves a second chance.

It was so scary. What if they divorce a second time?! Who would want to go out with a twice divorced man? But it'll work out. They were meant to be.

A relationship that started from something as small as an accidental dick pic to marrying a second time but this was it. Finally they were going to be together forever like they planned.

So here they were. Taehyung and Jungkook standing in front of each other, hands held with glossy eyes.

"Take out your phone" Taehyung urges to which Jungkook complies.

Taehyung also pulls out his phone and presses a couple of buttons before hitting the most familiar one.

Airdrop to Seagull 🦢💪🏼😎 ✔️

Jungkook's phone vibrates and he bursts out laughing. "Oh my god Tae now is not the time! You're meant to be saying your vows!"

"WHAT IS IT?!" Yoongi yells out from the crowd

"IT'S A DICK PIC" Jungkook yells back

"LET'S SEE" Namjoon adds

"I WILL KICK YOU GUYS OUT" Taehyung interrupts


"ANYWAYS" Jungkook cuts in with a chuckle "Taehyung, your vows, I've already said mine so now it's your turn"

"Right well um..." Taehyung starts and suddenly gets nervous "U-um I didn't really rehearse but—" Taehyung stops himself feeling his eyes water.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Jungkook... It's kind of like a high school movie since I was crushing on you since high school and we eventually fell in love" Taehyung says with a small chuckle.

"But we've been through so much alone and together and you're just the strongest person I know. It amazes me when I think about how perfect you are! You've done so much for me so thank you. I just love you so much."

Taehyung stops and turns to the crowd "And everybody, thanks for coming today... again." making them erupt in laughter.

"I now pronounce you—"

Taehyung pulls Jungkook into a kiss full of love, unable to wait longer and all the guests cheer while music starts playing and their best friends start a show.

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