21.Angry ranting

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I'm going to talk about five subjects today:

•Always Lams in the Jeffmads ranking

I am always searching for new jeffmads books to add to my reading list, and the 90% of the tag is just Lams, Lams and more Lams. There's even jamilton in the Jeffmads tag. Even worse, there are oneshot books with multiple ships and those books have the Jeffmads tag in them. But when you go see the book, there aren't any jeffmads stories. That just bothers me a lot, but there's something even worse. I don't know the title, but there's a book that is pure jamilton, but it isn't tagged as jamilton. It's tagged jeffmads. Guess who read a whole book that ends with Thomas killing himself because he couldn't be with Alex, and still waiting for the Jeffmads to appear. It wasn't me, when the Jamilton began I just went to the last chapter to see if James and Thomas ended together, and the answer is no. So please,if you're doing an oneshot book and you plan to write jeffmads (or any other ship) in it, just tag it when you publish at least one chapter that includes jeffmads (or the other ship).

•The bottom is trans

Just if you are already judging me. I'm not transphobe, okay? There's just one tiny little specific thing that bothers me.
The thing is, I have no problem if one of the characters of the ship is trans. The problem is that it is always the "bottom" who is trans. I don't like such things as "tops" and "bottoms" in a relationship, but I'm gonna say those things so you can understand. If you're labelling a character as "bottom" in a gay (male) relationship, you are practically saying that the bottom one is the ""woman"" of the relationship, so the bottom is always more feminine, more weak and more shy, so he is always the trans one. I'm not saying that I hate trans people, but I'm tired of the bottom being the trans one. I always appreciate a good top being trans, for once.


I expect a lot of hate for this one.

I don't specially hate Laurens, but the fandom is just sooooooo obsessed with him. It's just that he is the purest™, the most adorable™, the softest™ character in the fandom, when he 👏 is👏not👏. Laurens, at least in the musical (I don't care enough about him to do research) has a strong personality and he is determined to free the slaves. But the fandom always has to ruin everything. Like dude, you have an interesting character with a lot of personality and you just take him and turn him into the stereotype of a "bottom" in a relationship. Like he is just "I'm fragile, protect me, uwu" and all that stuff. And people that worship Laurens just think that he is the best and that he could have a great relationship with every character in the musical, because he is perfect and blah blah blah. And don't get me started with his sexuality.

•When they make an effort to make a relationship abusive

Then there are the people who just want a generic angst. Oh, no! The bottom is in a abusive relationship, please top, save him! And if the bottom is trans, it's even better!
I'm not saying that I hate this trope, there is a book that has it that I like, but please, I'm tired that it's always the same. Also, people make an effort to make a relationship abusive. Like there was a jamilton book that made Thomas suffer because James was abusive and beat him?? Like, are we talking about the same James? I'm not saying that because he's my favorite character, but James would be so out of character it wouldn't be even funny. Oh, and I think it's clear that Thomas is going to be a bottom in this story.

•Jamilton out of character

There are Jamilton books that are just so lovey dovey that it feels awkward. And I don't even read jamilton books. Like, why are they so out of character? They hated each other in the musical, why are they like this now? Why in those books aren't they even close to disliking each other?
They hating each other is part of their dynamic, you just can't change that.

Woah, that really relieved my stress .

There's just so much hate in this chapter.

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