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"You haven't won this, King!" Yells Rock as he disappears down the road. The Grand King hides in an alleyway to change out of his supersuit. He walks down the road in the dim lighting of the streetlamps. He hums to himself to block out the chill of walking alone in a city at night. He clutches his mask in his pocket, a comforting habit that he's picked up.

"Hey there, Grand King." Tooru turns to face the voice. A gruff, tall, rough looking man staring down at him. Before Tooru can do anything, he's got a hand over his mouth with a light dose of chloroform. Enough to render him defenceless but not to knock him out. Within minutes, the superhero is a bloody, bruised mess. The chloroform has worn off so he staggers to his feet. He has no clue where to go and all of his money been taken.

He starts to walk, staggering and stumbling. He doesn't think about where he's going, he just lets his feet take him.

He stumbles through the streets, half dead, before he finally gets to his destination. He pulls on the remains of his hero mask which had been damaged by his attackers. He falls through the gates and collapses against the doors. He dings the doorbell.

"Coming!" Tooru starts to close his eyes. The door opens and he falls into the arms of the house's owner, Hajime Iwaizumi. A.k.a...

"Rock... nowhere... to go... help... me..." With that, Grand King passed out in the arms of Rock, his greatest enemy.


"-idiot. Doesn't take care of himself."

"Iwaizumi-san. He's awake."

I wake up to voices talking about an idiot who doesn't take care of himself who I'm only assuming is me. They seem to realise that I'm awake before I do.

I register my surroundings: a heckin nice room with a teal and gold and white colour scheme; I'm in a queen-sized bed; the curtains are closed but a soft light glows from the mock-chandelier on the ceiling; standing at the end of the bed are two people.

The people look very familiar. The girl I think I remember as being the manager from one of the rival schools from when I was captain of my highschool volleyball team- Kiyoko, I think her name was.

The man though, I know that he's Rock. He must be. I can't see his face and his voice isn't distorted by his mask like it usually is but I know that it's him. Of course he is, I came running to his house when I was attacked. Something just told me to. I've always felt as if I knew him in another life. His real voice is familiar though.

He turns away from Kiyoko and looks at me. Without his mask which usually covers his whole face I can tell who he is. I haven't seen him since our last volleyball match of high school.

"I-Iwa-chan?" I stutter out. I reach up to find that my mask is gone.

"Loserkawa." Yep. It's my Iwa-chan! "You're an idiot. Firstly, for letting yourself get into a state like this- I'm not even talking about getting jumped because that wasn't your fault. Secondly, Grand King, anyone who ever saw you and Hinata in a room together would know who you are. And third, why run to me, your greatest enemy?"

Definitely my Iwa-chan. Now comes with enhanced mom-friend mode!

"One, no clue what you're talking about; two, I thought it was fitting; three, I wasn't thinking and I just needed somewhere that felt safe." I respond.

"You feel safe with me?" Iwaizumi's face softens.

"I... I guess I could..." I feel my breath escaping me slightly as I start to remember what happened last night. "T-tell... it was you..." My breathing becomes more unstable as last night's events flash past in my mind.

I find myself gasping for air. I feel like I'm trapped underwater. Unable to breath or speak, my vision blurry and unfocused.

I feel the bed dip and two strong arms, as hard as rock, wrap themselves around me. I grab onto the arms and feel myself calm down in the safe feeling of the arms.

"I-Iwa..." He shushes me.

"I've called your friends. Go back to sleep until they get here." He says, still holding me in his arms.

I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep in the arms of my greatest enemy and best friend.


Hello! This new story is based on stuff I find on Pinterest from Tumblr and Reddit but I have woven ideas together with some of my favourite Haikyuu ships. This is going to be Iwaoi with some other sideships.

When deciding which ship to do, I asked my friend Emma and she asked me "Is it bl, gl or boring?" which i found really funny (she's wlw).

Thank you for reading!



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