chapter 10

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 I woke up in a hospital bed and my whole body was sore. I had cuts and bruises everywhere and i was hooked up to every damn machine possible. I was about to go back to sleep but then Nicki crossed my mind I sprung up and pain shot through my body. I calledthe nurse to ask them about her and they said she wasn't well. I asked if Drake was there and if he was could he come to my room. Moments later Drake arrived in my room covered in blood and tears. 

Honey: how is she

Drake: The only reason she isn't dead is because she had on a seat belt

Honey: oh my gosh i'm so sorry what hjappened

Drake: well you weren't paying attention and you were hit by a semi and the car flipped several times

Tears rushed down my face and the only thing i could think of was her. I begged Drake to take me to see her and after 10 minutes he finally gave up the fight and took me to her room. Once i was in the rrom i saw her body all bandaged up and covered in blood. She had tears in her eyes and i just wish i could hold her. I get closer and gently hold her hand. I kiss it and say sorry. She ask Drake to give us time alone and i tense up. Nicki struggled to talk but she made herself clear.

Honey: babe i'm so sorry i never meant for this to happen....

Nicki: i lost it

Honey: what are you talking about

Nicki: i was pregnant and i lost it

Honey: Does Drake know? oh my gosh i fel terrible

Nicki: hee knows and it's not all your fault

Honey: it is i let my jealously get the best of me and this is my sign to move on and let you go

Nicki: Honey wait

Honey: Nicki its for the best

I wheel myself out of her room and pass Drake. It breaks my heart that Nicki lost her baby and that i'm the reason why. I have to start distancing myself from her and today is the perfect time to start.


Ever since the accident Honey has been acting strange. Today we were home alone and i was going to talk to her. She's been in her room most of the time so i walked down the hall and open the door.

Nicki: Honey bear

Honey: yea

Nicki: can i talk to you

Honey: sure

Nicki: what's been going on with you lately

Honey: nothing

Nicki: lie again you've barely talked to me since the accident

Honey: because i fell bad and i need to get rid of my feelings for you

Nicki: but i still have feelings for you

Honey:  Yea rightnyou've moved on to Drake and you two are madly in love

Nicki: what about you and 40

Honey: he's notjing compared to you

Nicki: Honey don't you think it's time for us to settle down and start families

Honey: yes but i always wanted to settle down and start a family with you


This is the hardest decision i've ever had to make in my life. Do i choose Honey my best friend or Drake my knight and shining armor? Honey rerally loves me and she'll do anything for me and i know Drake will do the same. It's like i have a husband and a wife at the same time. I need a drink these two are going to drive me crazy.

Nicki: Honey wil you help me in the tub

Honey: now you kn....

Nicki: Please

Honey helped me into the bathroom and she ran my bath. She knew just how i liked it. She helped me get undressed and she eased me in the tub. The way heer hands wwere so gentle with me made me feel so protected and save like nothing could go wrong as long as she's by mys side. She washed my body and hair with such care i could barely feel her touch. I gazed into her eyes and saw the girl that i fell in love with. A smile spread across my face and Honey tried to hide the one that was creeping upon hers. I struggled to place her face in my hands but when i managed i felt the tears running down her cheeks. I pulled her closer to me careful to keep her attention on me. Once her lips was inches away from mine i kissed her like never before. I kissed her like the first time. She was my first. She was my everything but now i have someone else trying to replace her. The kiss lasted for almost a minute and when i pulled away there was a long silence but i didn't mind it. We bothed smiled and laughed. The girl i was starring at is the girl for me but what about drake?

Nicki: i told you i loved yoou

Honey: i believe you

Nicki: get in

Honey slowly stripped out of her outfit to expose her beautiful body. She carefully entered the tub and relaxed her body against mine.I rubbed her body and let the warm water sooth us. I placed kisses on her neck and thought back to the days where it was just me and her trapped by SB. Those were rough days but it brought us closer. Me and Honey have been through everything together. When we were younger we would talk about getting married and how are kids would grow up and just as close as we are but now look at us. I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't know Honey had fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and decided to join her. I laid my head back and shut my eyes. I cleared all thiughts and just let my body relax.



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