chapter 13

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I woke up with my head pounding and my vision blurry. I rubbed my eyes and searched my pockets for my phone. Once i found it i looked at the time and it read 11:00. I looked around and i surrounded by women half of which were naked. I couldn't remeber anything about last night. I found my keys and got a cup of water before leaving. As i drove home i had problems focusing but i finally made it home. When i got in the door Nicki was waiting for me on the couch.

Nicki: where have you been?

Drake: i don't even know i can't remeber much about last night all i know is i was with 40

Nicki: i don't want you hanging around him anymore i'm getting a bad vibe from him

Drake: he's my cousin i can't just not hang around him

Nicki gave me this look that told me she was serious. Her gaze made me feel like a little boy getting in trouble by his mother. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes as she crossed her legs.

Drake: fine you win

Nicki: mmmm

I walked over to her to kiss her but she blocked it and lauged.

Nicki: ummmm no i don't know what you've been out there doing and neither do you so i'm going to need you to go and shower and then go get tested

Drake: you serious

She looked me up and down and then walked upstairs.

Drake: nice ass baby i wish i was rubbing it

She didn't even turn around she just stuck her middle finger up and walked into honey's room.


i sat down on the bed and placed my head in my hands. I began to cry and Honey rushed to my side. She rubbed small circles on my back and kissed my hands.

Honey: are you ok

Nicki: how could he ...... i'm pergnant with his kid and he goes out and gets drunk with a whole bunch of strippers..... i thought he loved me

Honey: did you let him tell his side of the story

Nicki: no

Honey: well go talk to him Drake is a sweet guy let him explain

Nicki: hell no he is a grown ass man he knows the difference between right and wrong

 Honey: You need to go talk to him let him explain

Nicki: fine

Honey: good now kiss me

I gave honey a kiss and walked in Drakes room. He was laying face down on the bed with shirt off. i sat beside him and rubbed his back.

Drake: Nicki baby i'm so sorry about last night

Nicki: i should let you explain so go ahead

Drake: well all i remeber is going over  40's house and he was having a party and i was about to go home then everything went black

Nicki: did you drink anything or eat anything and who was there

Drake: yea i think i had some vodka and a whole bunch of strippers and dudes where there

Nicki: so it was one of them parties......did you fuck any bitches

Drake: to be honest i don't know i woke up on the couch with a whole bunch of girls around me

Nicki: Drake what if you caught something or got one of them pregnant

Drake: let me call 40 and see if he can explain anything

Nicki:ok you do that and then make yourself a doctors appointment

Drake:yes mommy

Nicki: don't be a smart ass

Drake: lol

Nicki: you call 40 while i take a nap

I kissed Drake's forehead and went to Honey's room to take a nap


I pulledout my phone and called 40. I had to know what happened last night.


40: Hey Drake

Drake: don't hey me because of you Nicki is pissed at me

40: what i do

Drake:  your little party

40: oh that.....shit yes fun as fuck i didn't know you still had it in you

Drake: what happened what did i do .................... tell me i didn't sleep with one of those nasty girls

40: hey your girl was once on of those nasty girls

Drake: don't you ever talk about my girlfriend like that Nicki isn't like that

40: If she fucked you on the first night what do you think she did to the rest of her customers

Drake: you little bitch just tell me what happened

40: look through your pictures that should explain everything

I was so pissed off that i just hung up. How he disrespect my girlfriend like that. I went straight to my pictures and looked through them. There wasn't much but there was a video. During the video i was getting a lapdance from these two strippers and they were all over me. At the end of the video one girl was giving me head and i just sat there calmly but i wasn't enjoying it. The video stopped and the good thing was i didn't have sex with any of them. After i saw that i made a appointment for 3:00 and got ready. I took a quick shower got dressed and headed to the doctors offic. When i got there my doctor called my name and told me to go pee in a cup. I came back with the sample and he went to go test it. As i waited i worried and wondered if my test would come back clean. He came back about 5 minutes later and told me that i...............



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