Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to My baby Nique Nique


  It's been three months since i've seen or talked to Honey and i miss her more and more everyday. But me and Drake are happy drama free and engaged. He proposed to me a month ago in Milan. My stomach is getting bigger and i'm a nurse now at Drake's hospital. Now we're planning a wedding and preparing for our baby to be born oh and it's a girl. I'm so excited i can't wait.


 I haven't seen or talked to Nicki in forever. My life just isn't the same without my bestfriend. Me and Candy have been dating for 2 and a half months now and she's 3 months pergnant. We're going to a doctors appointment today to find out the sex of the baby. I was getting dressed as Candy struggled to put on her shoes. I went over to help her and as i helped her i thought about how i use to help Nicki. I  helped her in the car and we drove to the hospital.

Candy: baby i hope we have a boy

Honey: ewww no a girl

Candy: wanna bet?

Honey: duh

Candy: ok if it's a boy i want a full body massage

Honey: and if it's a girl i want a new outfit

Candy: deal

Candy kissed my cheek as we parked at the hospital. We got out and walked inside. We got on the elevator and went up to the 13th floor. I signed us in and we sat in the waiting room until our names were called. I let Candy sit on my lap and i rubbed her belly.

Nurse: Honey and Candy

We got up and followed the Nurse into the back room. First Candy had to get a checkup then we were gonna go to the baby's checkup. Candy sat on the bed and waited for the nurse to enter the room. Once the nurse entered the room i wanted to jump out the  window. Its Nicki. I haven't talked to her since i got her into all that drama with 40. When she came in her belly was so big and round and she had such a beautiful glow. The smile she had on her face when she walked in slowly disappeared when she saw me.

Nicki: hello Candy and Honey

Candy: hey Nicki

I wanted to talk but my words were stuck. They just wouldn't come out it was like my first time meeting her all over again. I looked her up and down as she talked to Candy and gave her a couple of shots. Nicki looked so happy and i wonder if she missed me just as much as i missed her. I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't realize Candy had left the room to go pee.

Nicki: Honey helllllllo

Honey: oh yea

Nicki: i asked how you were doing like 6 times

Honey: oh my bad i was too busy thinking

Everything went quit and me and Nicki just looked in each others eyes. A smile spread across my face which caused Nicki to look down and blush. Ourmoment was ruined by Candy coming back from the bathroom. Nicki finished up the appointment and as i was about to walk out Nicki told me to text her. As i walked with Candy all i could think about was Nicki. Once Candy wasb in the doctors office i stayed out in the waiting room and texted Nicki.


Honey: hey Nic

Nicki: hey

Honey: look i'm really sorry about everything i did and ik you'll never forget that but i need you back in my life i'm not the same without you bae

Nicki: Honey i forgave you a long time ago and i missed you more i hate all the fighting we've been doing lately can we get back on a happier note

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