Chapter 5

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Ace's Point of View

"You bastard! I will detach every limb off your body once I get a hold of you!" Screamed a member of the gang.

"I will burn the shit out of your bitch ass face!" Uttered another in anger.

"Please don't!" Begged the victim who was clinging to the edge of the roof of the corner house, a few metres above the attackers. There were heavy bruises and wounds exposed on his face. Dirt was clearly visible in his hair and clothes. "I didn't even do anything to you guys! I only just arrived here this morning!"

"Fuck you useless bitch, we will beat the shit out of you for intruding our property." Another member of the group announced before everyone else nodded.

The victim's cries suddenly paused as his eyes contacted mine. A hopeful yet selfish grin unleashed itself as he stopped trembling.

"What are you smiling at bitch?!" A gangster question as he smacked his bat into his palms.

"Look behind you! You guys can target her instead of me!" The victim replied immediately.

The backs of the 6 gangsters turned away from me as they revealed their bloodthirsty eyes. My instincts could sense danger approaching as my brain was screaming at me to run away, but my legs didn't obey my orders.

"Seems like one easy target for us." A gangster suggested and smirked.

"Not to mention we haven't had a girl for a while." Another added as he licked his lips, drooling out a line of mouth-water.

"Aren't you gonna run, little butterfly?" A third one teased and began shaping a ball of fire.

"That's my line." I giggled as I crossed my wrists behind my back. "I can control time!"

An awkward silence broke out between the gang and me. I could see some of the gangsters were shivering in fear while others clutched their teeth together.

"That is an e-extremely rare a-ability! You m-must be l-lying!" One of them stated and pointed at me. "At-tack!"

The 6 gangsters charged at me but I stood my ground. Focusing on my surroundings, I managed to brighten up my eyes with a strong, glowing silver aura. A sudden swing of a wooden baseball bat nearly landed on my forehead, but by slowing down time a few thousand times, I roundhouse kicked the weapon away. I might have lost my strength, but I still know the tactics and positions! As the bat landed onto the concrete a few metres away from my right, the gangsters all retreated several paces backwards, acknowledging my ability.

"Oi kid, we are sorry for attacking you, we apologise... please give us mercy!" Several gangsters begged.

I looked down at them in empathy and walked towards them. Nodding my head and smiling, the leader of the gangsters offered me a handshake, which I accepted. But immediately out of my expectancy, he wrestled me down headed me in great force, inflicting extreme pain. I felt my mind going into a blackout. Afterwards, my vision completely darkened as I blacked out.

"Cough, cough."

My eyes slowly opened themselves, but dried tears glued them together. Memories flashed back in my brain, reminding me of what situation I encountered.

"Am I... still alive?" I whispered quietly.

As blood began to flow through my body again, my senses returned to me. I could feel a tight rope wrapped around myself and my feet not contacting with the ground. my hands were tied up behind my back which was supported by a long, wooden pole. I was surrounded by walls of red bricks inside a dome-like room, estimated to be about fifty metres in circumference. There was a round wooden table not too far ahead of me. There were several burning candles which exposed the faces of the gang who I battled earlier, except this time, their group's overall members gathered together and had their faces exposed. They were sitting around the table playing poker cards and eating baked potatoes, whom I quickly recognised as my school mates.

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