Chapter 8

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Ace's point of view

Who would've guessed that air elementals possessed such high combatting potentials that they could easily destroy their opponents simply by letting out a gentle blow of wind? The elf mage that trained me had shown me a diverse range of elemental knowledge that I had never expected to know even after the day I die.

"Today, I'll be teaching you about elemental combo spells." Lantros, the elf mage, announced as he led me into our usual training grounds in a small piece of forest clearing. "To begin with, you'll need to have the passion to collaborate with others to work together in full focus to cast a powerful combo spell."

Although he was an excellent teacher through the few days of training, he had been talking about psychological bullshit that I never need to know – I just wanted him to get straight to the point. I had basic knowledge about combo spells before since Lazapa briefly informed the topic to me in the past. I heard that air elementals could combine with a large variety of other elemental types to create combos such as flame-natos! Whatever that combo was, I decided to listen to Latros for better understanding of these spells.

"As for air elementals, another basic combo spell would be a hydro-blast, which involves water and air elementals." Lantros began. "The water elemental starts by casting a vast volume of water in front of the pair before the air elemental blasts the substance at full power towards one direction. This attack can be developed further into powerful tsunamis if enough mana."

I nodded as I noted down his advice on casting the hydro-blast on my notebook. It was always useful to have something to remember things on for a more convenient revision period later onwards at night.

"Another one involving air elementals would be a thunderstorm, requiring an electricity elemental. Begin by compressing all the surrounding mana into the creation of thick clouds to darken the sky, then have the electricity elemental blasting vast energy into the clouds, finish by releasing the compressed clouds and electrifying the opponents."

The thunderstorm was definitely one of my favourite combo spells in consideration since it could handle multiple targets at once. The negativity of this attack would be risking the possibility of friendly fire as the thunderstorm would be too difficult to manipulate due to its vast compounds of mana.

"Landros, is there a more powerful combo spell than the thunderstorm?" I asked, doubting an answer, but I was immediately marked wrong.

"There are a lot of combo spells that are far more powerful than the thunderstorm. One of the most powerful but mana and strategy consuming combo spells involving air elemental would be casting a vacuum – or more commonly named, the black hole."

Sparks lit up in my eyes from fascination as soon as I heard the key words – the black hole. Back in the ordinary dimension where elements and special abilities don't exist, I was taught in science that a black hole broke the laws of physics and consumes everything in its path and blasts out a strong beam of light out of its central region.

"How do I cast such a spell Landros?" I asked.

He chuckled before making intense eye contact with me.

"I wouldn't doubt you can do such combo spell however I recommend you not trying it since the risk of killing yourself is extremely high – it's fifty-fifty meaning the side of a coin determines your life and death."

Despite his warning, I was still determined to construct such a spell even after acknowledging its dangers.

"Landros, I am keen to learn this spell," I stated confidently as I took a deep breath in and out. "I seriously want to."

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