The real me.

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  The next days I had to catch up with school so I had no time to goof off, now and then I said hi to the two geeks, and got beat up each day. I hadn't even notice it has been a month since I got here. Time fly's no pun intended.

-Hours later from studying-

" Ughh who can it be,its....OH never mind its 6, I should open the curtains once in awhile." I grumble walking to the door.
When I walk to the door I accidentally pressed play on my ihome by the door and LITTLE ME BY LITTLE MIX came on I had no time so I open the door to see Ethan and Benny and surprised as the song was in the background. Well this is awkward. I turn the volume down but enough you can hear.

" Erm... Hey what brings you...boys here in the shadows." I said giggling at my own joke, but then act serious.

" Ha, yeah Benny's and my mom want to now there neighbor so they are making dinner at my house and well, here we are." Ethan said wait is he blushing?? OMG that's a first I never made a guy blush, new record huh Jenna! I pushed my "nerd glasses" up and smiled.

" Of course I'll be there its not that far actually." I giggled as I saw behind him his house.

" Okay, then see you at 7 Kay." he said acting cool, and I can feel benny's eyes burn through me, yep these jeans are too tight.

*At 7*

Once I finished outing my white v neck shirt I put my black converse and fixed my jeans. I got my jean jacket just in case I may look a little...outsider. I put my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my keys and walked outside, I'm ready to meet my neighbors.As I walked outside I saw Benny walking across the street looking SO hot, well its my opinion so. He was wearing dark jeans, with a button down shirt rolled up sleeves by his arms, with his natural messy hair, as he caught my eye I looked away and walked up the porch stairs with a goofy smile.

" Hey..Jenna right?" he asked as he opened the door letting me in first.

", Benny right." I asked smiling up at him.

" Yep," he laughed and walked in to the living room with a handsome Ethan and a little blond girl she looked around 10- ish.

" Is she our new babysitter?" she asked looking at me strangely. What? Babysitter?

" Jane that's not-," he got cut of by a Blond hair women." Hello there I'm Ethan's mom and you are.." she said smiling extending her hand at me.

" Hi, I'm Jenna, I've heard you wanted to meet me." I said smiling back, I've never been this loved before. I put my jacket on the couch.

" Come here I want you to meet Benny's Grandma." she said signaling to follow her, I look behind me and see Benny staring at my bum, and Ethan looking embarrassed at how nice his mom was.

" Hi there I'm Benny's Grandma, you must be Jenna, I've heard Ethan blabber about you when he comes over." she chuckles.

I was wishing she would say Benny can't stop talking about me and he has a crush on me. But that's only in my dreams. My smile fell but got replaced by a fake smile.

" That's very nice to hear, and thanks." I said maturely." Lets get ready for dinner!" Ethan's mom said happily. And we all headed to the dinning table.

* Skip awkward silence from the dinner*

" Thank you very much, for all this delicious food." I said very happy. I was really only if Ethan would stop staring at me, I think I'll feel a little better.Benny has lost interest of me all of a sudden maybe he remembered my nerd side and forgot about me right now, or he was thinking about Della.

" Hey, Jenna wanna help me with some homework me and Benny had a question on it?" Ethan said nervously.

" Homework?" Benny said confused, and Ethan gave him a Really stare," Oh yeah homework." he said stupidly.

" Um...sure." I said already knowing the catch." Ok kids be careful." she said picking up the dishes I walked behind Benny and Ethan and up to his room, which was pretty cool. He closed the door as walked in. And looked at me nervously.

" Look Jenna don't know this school so were telling you-"

"Just tell her, look," Benny said cutting Ethan's sentence," our school is supernatural as in there's Vampires, psychic,Magical, etc." he said standing up to stand by a very nervous Ethan.

I was so confused. I wasn't bothered or creeper out I was actually a little cool with it.

" Wow well, don't they attack you guys?" I asked I felt stupid.

" Yeah well there good and bad guys, the bad ones well we bet there asses, we used to have a Babysitter that would bet as with us oh she was a vampire and she well is out of town with one of her vamp friends, so yeah." Benny said smartly.

" Um...ok I'm really not creeper out." I said calmly, and saw surprised faces from them.

" Are serious?" they said in sync.

" um.. Yeah." I laughed.

" Let me guess Benny you're a some kind of magician and you Ethan is a psychic." I said smiling. There mouth dropped did I guess right... Well I guess I did.

" to geeks." I said snapping my fingertips. Then I felt a rush go through me. I was having a Vision but I never had visions. I saw purple light explosion and I saw a girl with fangs , no two vamps and the guys running away. And then I saw me with some magical power. Then I saw the guys with worried expressions. What Just happened?

The New Girl ( My babysitter is a vampire)Where stories live. Discover now