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Maybe tomorrow someone will

I woke up with my heart dangling on the side of the bed, drained and empty
I woke up anxious
I woke up terrified of the millions of possibilities in the world

I did not leave the bed, did not even bother to get out of my room
I did not brush my hair, did not even bother to eat anything
I did not talk to anyone, did not even say hi to my family

My emotions were heightened to the point that I just wanted to cry and regret my very existence
My mind was buzzing with unfamiliar fears and vibrating with uncomfortable hurt
My entire being was dead

No one noticed
No one wondered
No one cared

So I am writing this down to remind all of you to never stop checking on your loved ones
Never lose a day
Never let a chance pass by without asking how they are

Your voice can save a soul
Let them hear you
Let them feel your warmth
Let them know you are here for them

Because when no one noticed I was dead today
Maybe tomorrow, someone will


to be continued...Where stories live. Discover now