Day 12: A Strange Transformation

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It started with the restless nights. I'd always been a heavy sleeper, but soon that all began to change. Some nights I couldn't even sleep for a few minutes. It was nearly maddening. I was exhausted when I went into work, and I couldn't keep a good attitude. And then the physical changes started happening.

My fingers started to grow longer, more decrepit. Long, fierce claws started to grow painfully from my fingertips. My entire hands grew bigger, twice as big as they were before. Hair started to fall out all over my body. But that wasn't the worst of it. My skin became hard and scaley, like a reptile, and I couldn't bear anywhere that wasn't at least somewhat warm. My vision changed too, my eyes suddenly able to perceive heat.

It was at this point I decided to seek medical help. The doctors had no explanation for it. I was invited by countless doctors to be studied, all of them promising plenty of money as compensation. But I didn't want to be studied, I wanted to be normal again. But at this point, there was no going back. I shut myself away from the world, holing up in my apartment for weeks. And my body continued to change.

My skin fully transformed into light green scales. My tongue became forked, and I constantly flicked it in and out of my mouth. I even grew a massive tale, which swung out behind me, constantly knocking into things. My nose shrunk until it altogether disappeared, only slits remaining.  My feet became reptile claws, much like my hands. My teeth became monstrously sharp, giving me an evil-looking smile. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. I was hideous, a monstrosity unfit for this world. I went on like this for days, until I heard a knock at my door.

When I opened my apartment door, it was my grumpy old landlord. As soon as he saw me, he shrieked in horror at my new form. Before he could turn and run, I instinctively grabbed him with my claw, holding him back. He wiggled and struggled to get free. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly had a desire for his flesh. I turned him toward me, relishing the horror in his eyes as he saw my mouth open. And my transformation was complete.

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