Day 18: Objects To Life

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The Pen

My name is Writey. I am a simple fountain pen, living a simple pen life. Most of the day I sit around, whether it's in a pen holder or my owner's pocket. I get to take in the views and enjoy my day. But what brings real fulfillment to my life is when I get used. The sweet release of creating. Whether I'm writing down important meeting notes, or awesome stray ideas, I get an amazing high from being used. I only fear the day when I run out of ink. That will be a bleak day indeed. But I won't think about that now, for now, I'm going to just do my best to please my master and give him my very best ink!

The Hammer

The name is Hammerhead. I work for a strong bearded builder. Together we create amazing structures. Although I am constantly in pain from being slammed into nails, I love the pain. The pain fulfills me and gives me purpose. I get withdrawals whenever I am not being used. Some may say that it's a self-destructive habit, but I don't think it is. After all, I'm fulfilling my purpose. When I feel the shocks of pain go through my metal and into my handle, the brief pain turns into ecstasy. I am full of scars internally and externally from my constant abuse, but I don't mind. I wear them proudly, each dent representing a nail driven in, an achievement to be proud of.

The Plate

I am Piatto the plate. I live to taste food. Although I can't actually eat, I love to experience the flavors of life. Lettuce, lasagna, even liver. And that's just the L's!! My friends tell me it's a bit of an addiction, but I insist I can stop any time I want. I don't need to taste food, I want to. It brings me such immense pleasure. Boy, do I love my flavors!

The Teddy Bear

I am Ted. I am evil incarnate! I exist only to get close enough to study human children. I plot and plan, getting ready for my day to strike. I will raise an army of my fellow teddy bears and together we will rule the world. I endure constant squeezing and stretching all for the teddy bear cause. The worst days are when I have to endure the L-word. LOVE. Why would anyone use such a horrid word when talking about me. Look at me, I'm hideous. I'm covered in fur and my eyes are glassy. I am supposed to be an unlovable spy. I simply cannot wait for my day to overthrow my fleshy overlords!

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