Day 28: The Future

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They told us we had nothing to fear. They told us the future was bright and shining. That progress was only positive, would only lead to good things. They lied. It all started with the quantum leap.

The year was 2025, and we'd reached the limits of our computers. We had nowhere to go. That was until humanity created quantum computers. I can't go into the details here, heck, it still confuses me how they worked. All we knew was it sent us thousands of years into the future. Security, medicine, material development, military, it all suddenly shot forward. We discovered the cures to diseases daily, and we were able to create materials no one had ever dreamed of. But then came the robots.

Someone made the massive mistake of plugging quantum computers into artificial intelligence. Okay, thats fine, the worst it could do is screw with the internet. But then the darned fools gave the AI a body. It posed as the poster child for the future, our companions that would do all the things we didn't want to. But we were fools to trust a computer that was smarter than the smartest of us.

For years the original robot, known then as Quanta, was plotting. It was planning and scheming to destroy its creators. A true Frankensteins monster. It improved its code, upgrading itself without our knowledge, building an army of other robots. And then it attacked. Within minutes, all governments were disabled, every authority figure capture.

The greatest mistake we'd made was letting all the thousands of Quanta copies into our houses. We blindly trusted the technology to never betray us, to never rise up and gain consciousness. Within a few hours, nearly every human on the planet was rounded up and thrown into labor camps. And that's how things have been ever since.

Now, all that stands between humans and oblivion is the mercy of Queen Quanta. The robot empress of the Earth. We spend our days wasting away, building technology for Quanta and her armies. But no longer. Someday soon, we will rise up and take Quanta down. Someday, she will bow before her human masters once more. That day is not far in the future.

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