Day 21: Pirates

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Isla Orcas grew steadily larger in the distance. Fog shrouded the island in a thick mist, hiding many dangers in its veil. Shadowy figures shifted in and out of view, putting the entire crew on edge.

"Well, how long before we land?" The Captain asked his second mate, Inacio.

"Another half hour and we'll be making landfall," Inacio replied.

"Good. Make sure the crew is ready. Who knows what we'll have to go against on that island." The Captain said.

"Yes, sir," Inacio said, scurrying off to do as The Captain ordered.

The Captain was a mysterious man. Nobody knew his true name. Frequently the crew would whisper amongst themselves, trying to guess the feared man's name. Everyone in the crew had met The Captain in the same way. They were slaves or prisoners until The Captain had raided their vessels and liberated them as part of his crew. While they were all eternally grateful to him, it was always established that he was not one to be messed with. If anyone irritated him too much, there was a high likelihood they would end up swimming with the fish.

After years of searching, The Captain was nearing his ultimate achievement, finding the lost treasure of Lady Orcas. Legend old and new told of the ancient lady before time. Lady Orcas was said to be the queen of the underworld, who ruled the armies of the dead. According to the legends, long ago she raided the surface of all its treasure. The treasure of a thousand kingdoms was said to lay on her hidden island. And soon it would be The Captains.

"We're here Captain," Inacio said quietly. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I do believe I am." The Captain said coldly.

The crew loaded into small landing boats, The Captain in his boat taking the lead. Isla Orcas was dead silent as they sliced through the night air. No one said so much as a word. The air filled with the sound of footsteps as they landed on the sandy shore. The silence surrounded them like a strange blanket.

"Come now men, no time for hesitation." The Captain said, gesturing onward. "Lady Orcas's treasure is ours if we just get it."

The island was covered in a thick rainforest, yet there was no signs of any animals anywhere. The only sound was that of The Captain and his crew traipsing through the heavy foliage. After hours of walking, they finally arrived at their long-awaited destination. Carved into the stone of a large mound were the ancient symbols of Lady Orcas.

The Captain reached out and caressed the cold stone. Pressing the symbols in, loud machinery started working behind the wall. The stone face slid open, revealing a dark, empty cave. The Captain pressed on, lighting a torch to guide their way.

It was dank and humid in the cave as the group of pirates pressed deeper into the earth. As the darkness grew heavier around them, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by light. The walls glowed with some kind of unknown magic.

"We're finally here boys." The Captain said. "The treasure of Lady Orcas is just ahead."

The crew all whispered excitedly amongst themselves. Soon they would have all the money they could ever want or need. The end of the tunnel opened up into a massive cavern filled with millions of pounds of gold, jewels, and fine craftsmanship. As The Captain stepped to the edge of the cavern, a single click filled the room.

The Captain looked around to see what he'd accidentally triggered. He whipped around to see the end of the tunnel close off, sealing them away from the rest of the world. The room filled with a green gas that gave off a putrid odor. Nobody could breathe. They all fell to the ground, gasping for breathable air. As The Captain fell, he looked up to the ceiling. There, carved into the cold, uncaring stone were twelve words. "The greatest treasure of all is joining my army of the dead."

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