0.7 i dont even speak spanish lol

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Xannaya pov

As far as I know this guy has something to do with Geneva but I just dont know what. He has been niva and had allowed me to be u cuffed and now I can walk around the house. I decided to go to his room because... I'm hungry👩🏽‍🦲. I knock on his door. No reply. I knock again. Still no reply. I go downstairs to see. He isn't there. I go to see the if the door is unlocked. It is....

This could have been a chance to escape but something in me doesn't want to leave. I men it's kind of stupid but like idgaf.

A long while later:

I thought he wasn't in the house but he was doing something in this room.
It was a really weird room and it was locked. I would always try to go there because I have seen it multiple times but I'll just receive abusive words from him.

I wanted to know who the guy was without the mask, luckily there was a creak in the doer

(This nigga dont know how to fucking spell 😂😂 ~Xanna)

He has black hair bur blue ends and his dreads kinda looks like x. I wanted to observe him more but only pushing the door harder making it creak loud.

The mask guy quickly put his mask on and look at his door way.
"The fuck did i told you to go to my room?!"

(NIGGA LEAVE ME ALONE ,my momma don't care anyway~aNGeL)

That guy really looked like x but I just dint know why x would hurt me if he apparently "loved" me.
Anyways that seiyn guy (is that his name?)came into my room and we just did the usual talk and then leave.i knew he had feelings for me since he always stares at me but that masked guy is who I want to know more about....


I literally just gave up on this chapter as you can see "doer" but luckily xanna is here so ye


Just wasted your time bye nigga

(Okay update, this nigga angel doesnt know seyne is the mask guy, seyne is his nickname or former name since he cant say his true name, and angel? You a dumbass mothafucka😂 -Xanna)

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