0.15 FUCK LOVE, (big reveal 👀)

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Xanaya pov

I got bored doing the treehouse so..

I just sat in my bed thinking to myself, i am falling for seyne? No i cant be, i didnt even saw his real face but i feel so comfortable.

He reminds me so much of x. Giving me positive side and kinda shooing naya away. But i cant.. i cant fall for someone who cant even get a single word from his actual PAST.

"Aye xana, you okay? We can continue the treehouse right now"seyne said. Coming straight to me and sitting beside me caressing my temples.

"Nothing, you just really remind me of jahseh and your real face is" i said that sighing then taking seynes hand away then rubbed my head. When i said that he tensed up and made me real curious but i cant be sent to that cold basement ever again.

"Well love lets not talk about that"He said then chuckled which sounded more like jahsehs and made me more curious about his identity. Well its not possible since he have his own gravehouse and cleo wont buy anything fo a fake shit.

He started getting ontop of me and layed on my chest and he was tickling my chest since its mainly my tickle spot. He wont stop until i pushed his head down making his Mask flying away..

And you cant believe who he was..

(This the time yall been waiting for 😊)

He- i- wh- i-i saw jahseh. jahseh onfroy..

Tell me this is a dream.

I was confused,broken and speechless. No it cant happen they said he was dead no he cant be no hes not it maybe im just crazy enough his not him no.

I was having anxiety until jahseh sighed.

"You fucking lied to all your FANS! YOUR CULT YOUR MOMMA, SKI, E-EVERYONE!"i yelled crying out loud and banged my head purposely on the headboard.

"I-i know what i did was wrong b-but i d-did it for the b-best! B-best of you a-all!"Jahseh yelled bursting up tears.

"W-why j-jahseh?"i mumbled crying real hard and kicking my legs.

"Lets not talk about that, lets just think about me being alive right?"Jahseh said weakly smiled and i just cried more and tackled him with a hug.

Here you go, now do you guys love me? -author xana

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