Bitch gotta pay!

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Ted was fuming. He was sure he'd win his court case against Kalene. At least he knew for sure he was Genesis' father. 'But why did that other guy adopt her?' he scratched his growing beard. He paced his living room trying to figure out how to get ahold of his daughter. He was going to be in her life one way or another! He was going to be there whether she liked him to or not!

'That bitch is probably just going about her life like nothing ever happened!' he huffed as he paced in front of his coffee table. His brows puckered as he tried to figure out how to get near Genesis and Kalene. He wanted to make Kalene suffer. As he was pacing, his cousin entered his house. He stopped and watched his cousin pacing.

"Ted, you ok man?" Quentin asked.

"I gotta make that bitch pay!" Ted called out, "She's probably going about her life like nothing happened!"

"Probably." Quentin agreed.

"Genesis said she didn't want anything to do with me. That's some bullshit with her mother, I'm sure of it. I'm going to be in her life whether she likes it or not." He stopped and looked over at his cousin, "We need to get serious with our planning. I want her with me as soon as possible."

"We've made plans, man." Quentin stated, "But we can go over them again. Make changes if you want."

"Yes. Everything has to be perfect. I want Kalene to suffer too." Ted growled.

"Don't worry, cuz, we'll make that slut pay." Quentin grinned evilly, "We'll make her wish she'd never crossed you or the Mays family!"

The pair sat there, having a few beers, and going over what they wanted to do to Kalene, how to get Genesis away from her mother, and how to un-brainwash Genesis once they had her in their custody. Ted wanted access to Genesis' money as well which Quentin said he could make sure the teen gave her father her money.

"Hey, isn't she in a band?" Quentin suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Why." Ted tilted his head.

"Look up her name on the internet and see what band she's in. We can look up her tour dates and plan around that. Whenever she comes near us, then we can make our move." Quentin exclaimed.

"Good idea, cuz!" Ted grinned.

Ted grabbed his laptop andflipped open the lid. He looked up Genesis' name and found 'Dead Memories'.They opened up the first website and saw the band photos. Looking at oneanother, they grinned knowing they'd found the right band. They navigated tothe tour dates section where Quentin scribbled down when they'd around theDallas area next.


Genesis had received another package making her giggle. Josie and Nikki giggled too knowing their friend had her very first boyfriend and it was making her goofy. The drummer took the small package to her bunk where she could open it in peace. Inside she found a picture of her and him that he'd taken the night she'd met everyone at the bar to catch up with her parents.

She smiled as she looked at it. The first real picture she had of them together. She'd have to find a frame for it to keep it safe! There was another hand-written letter as well as another hand-written poem. Those were her favorites. She set the letter aside so she could read the poem he'd written to her.

A smile is such a lovely thing especially upon your face;

hiding all the sorrows or simply taking their place.

A kindly spoken word means so much when from you,

it comforts my weary heart or when I'm feeling blue.

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