Chapter 1

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-mind link-

Harry's POV
"I'm so happy to be back at hogwarts!"
"Oh please Harry." she rolled her eyes
"Hey! don't you dare roll your eyes at me hermonie!"
"Uh huh.." she sighed and looked away from me 
"let's just go meet with Ron and ginny."

"Hey mate! Hello 'Monie"
"Hello harry, hello hermonie"
"Hey guys!"
Hermonie shook her head "hurry up! The feast is starting soon."
"Calm down 'Monie"
"do not tell me to calm down Ronald"
No one else said another word. And they made their  way to the great hall.

"Hey 'Monie"
"Do you know if it's true that we are getting resorted?"
"Yes. We are. I don't like it tho. I'm going to be put in raven claw. And I very much want to stay in gryffindor. But the new headmaster wants us resorted."
"Thats unfair.I'm going to be put in slytherin!"

"What makes you say that Harry?"
"I was meant to be in slytherin. But I told the hat to not put me in slytherin and I got into gryffindor."
"Oh. Well that's fine harry you might stay. Ginny will stay in gryffindor. Ron will change for sure but then maybe not. You Harry Potter I have no clue"
" 'Monie! What's that meant to mean!"
"Oh shush Ronald"

"So. I have a chance to be in slytherin."
"Yes,now be quiet"

"Welcome back to hogwarts new and old students. Now before we eat everyone is going to be resorted into a new house or get to stay in the same one. When I call your name please come out the front and place the hat on your head and then go to your new house."

"Luna lovegood"
"Ginny Weasley"
"Hermonie granger"
"Ahh. Miss granger. Let's go with Ravenclaw!"

'by the look on hermonie's face she sure didn't like being placed into that house' i thought with a frown 'what's so bad about changing houses?' i wondered to myself. 'I know i have a chance at being in slytherin but any house is better then that house'

"Draco malfoy"
"Blaise zabini"
"Mr zabini. You've changed over the years, but its best if you stay in: Slytherin!"
"Harry Potter"
"Ahhh. Mr Harry potter. you child are a hard one, i won't allow you to change my thoughts this time.. I can put you back into gyriffindor... but I want see how you go in the house..

All I heard are loud gasps. And whispers. I tossed the hat off my head and kept my head down making my way to the slytherin table. I sat without I word to anyone.
"Ron Weasley"
"Another Weasley. Thank merlin I don't have to sort all of you this year. Now mr Weasley. Where do I put you...oh. I know. GRYFFINDOR!"
"Fred Weasley"
"George weasley"

"Pansy Parkinson"

After the feast we had to go our separate ways me, Ron and hermonie went last. We stayed and talked for a while. Some slytherins were still here so I'll just go when they go same as Ron and 'Monie.
"This is terrible!"
"Yes indeed  ronald."
I gave them both a small smile.
"Looks like the golden tro wasn't meant to last."
"Harry! Don't say that. Even if we are different houses the 3 of us will always be together. I'm not very happy with malfoy and his friends tho. They all stayed in slytherin. It's like the sorting hat wanted us to be apart."
"That's true 'Monie. It did seem like that. And it didn't feel like the old sorting hat."
"Don't worry bout it guys. It's not that long that we have to be in these houses. We were meant to be in these houses in the beginning...."
"Harry we have to be in these houses for 3 years!"
"And that's fine! When the dark load comes I'll miss out on a year so it's fine! Now I got to go the other slytherins are going. I'll see you guys around."

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