Scattered memories

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Owwee! I finally updated! I know, I SOO deserved to be smacked, burned etc. for such imposibly late update. But hey, here it IS! So yeah, I hope you all will enjoying reading this one chapter, especially the Donahue fans. You won't be dissapointed! Read on, everyone! And thanks for all the reviews! I really appreciate them. Pardon any spelling errors if you meet them.

Chapter 6: Scattered Memories

My blood ran cold in its veins as I turned to face Marcus who just came out of the door. He had obviously heard Fragrance because he looked just as shocked as I was. Then, anger took over. I backed away, my hand still holding onto the phone and another clutching the shoulder bag tightly, feeling the Firestar in it.

Marcus let out a low growl and a cold shiver ran down my back as I stared back at the monster looking out from behind his glowing green eyes. Why oh why, does the street have to be so empty now?

"Mom, can you hear me—mom? Mom!" Fragrance cursed before the line went dead.

I took a step back as Marcus advanced on me, his eyes an eerie green. My heart felt as if it had climbed its way up to my throat. I cursed mentally, remembering that my jeep is quite a distance from where we are standing. I could make a run for it but being the werewolf, Marcus without a sweat will be able to catch me before I could even touch it.

A deep growl escaped his lips, his face pulled into a vicious snarl. He looked like he was about to pounce on me but stopped when a laughing couple came out from the restaurant.

I took the chance and ran.

But of course, my short legs are no match for someone like him.

He grabbed me from behind, causing me to fall forward and I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing to feel the pain of a pissed-off werewolf tearing me to pieces. But surprisingly, the pain never came.

Instead, I heard an angry roar and the sound of body crashing together against the pavement.

I opened my eyes and stare dumb-struck at the view of someone rolling around the pavement with Marcus. The streetlights were too dark for me to see who the mysterious rescuer was but I didn't wait to find out; I scrambled onto my feet and hurriedly dashed to my jeep, firing the engine to life and drove off.

I didn't care if I'm driving like a mad woman; who cares about it all when you were just about to be killed by a pissed-off werewolf?

As soon as I stepped into the house, I was greeted by a very worried Nathaniel and a furious Fragrance. Oh, not to mention a very anxious Lucky. I didn't notice my knee was bleeding until Fragrance roared with anger.

"That son of a—"

"—watch your language!"

Fragrance rolled her eyes, "—I'm so going to kill him!"

Nathaniel, who was tending to my knee, looked up at me worryingly. "Mom, are you really ok?"

Tears started to build up at the corners of my eyes; I don't know what will happen if I were to die there. Fragrance would be so mad that she'd probably look up for Marcus on her own and get into a fight, and mostly getting herself killed. Nathaniel would be so broken that even if Fragrance doesn't get herself killed, will lose him.

I pulled him into a hug, "I'm ok...I'm ok..."

Nathaniel hugged me back, his warm hand rubbing my back. He didn't need to say anything else for me to know that he was glad I was safe and home.

Fragrance let out a long sigh as she rubbed her forehead with her thumb and forefinger. She looked so much older than she was supposed to be. Then I remembered the call I received back at the restaurant, so I asked, "How'd you know about Marcus's mom and Julian?"

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