The Suffocating

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Despite the fact that I have exams tomorrow and it is already long past midnight (I am SO in trouble tomorrow), I still uploaded this chapter. I sincerely want to apologize for the last chapter. I didn't know that chapter was so confusing! I am so sorry, so this chapter serves as an apology. Hopefully you all will like it. Oh, and to rocktheroxie and iluvedward4ever, you better like this chapter. Hahaha...

Chapter 16: Suffocating

I do not love you except because I love you;

I go from loving to not loving you,

From waiting to not waiting for you

My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;

I hate you deeply, and hating you

Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you

Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume

My heart with its cruel

Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who

Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,

Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

-Pablo Neruda, Sonnet LXVI: I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You


I opened my eyes. I was lying in my own bed with the curtains pulled over the windows, keeping the sunlight out of my room and making it dark. I turned slightly to look at the person sitting on a chair by the bed.

I smiled; an up curl of the lips.

"Hey there,"

My voice came out in a sexy purr. Even in the dimly lit room, I can see Dominic's eyes wide with surprise. I reached a hand out to him,"Come here,"

Dominic stood up from his seat and leaned down, "How are you feeling?" His face creased with worry, making him looked human when I know that he is not. I shrugged my shoulders, "Oh, I feel very fine, Dominic." I drawled at his name and there was a momentary spark of desire in his eyes. Truth is, I felt a little light-headed, as if my mind was clouded and I couldn't think properly. But I didn't tell him that; I have my mind set on something else.

Dominic touched my forehead with the back of his palm, his hands cold against my skin, "Are you sure you are fine?"

I smiled seductively at him, "And why would I be not fine when I have a very delicious-looking man nursing me?"

Dominic shook his head but I caught a glimpse of his smile, "You are definitely not fine." When Dominic leaned away, something pulled at my heartstrings; some sort of disappointed feelings and like a child, I pouted. However, something snapped inside of me when he said, "I think I will go call the others."

Grab him!

My hand shoot out and caught him by his wrist. Dominic turned back to look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Don't go..." I pleaded at him, my eyes never leaving his. Dominic suddenly tensed up, his eyes turned to slits and something inhuman stared out behind his crystal blue eyes. He cleared his throat, "I think I better be going-"

I didn't let him finish what he wanted to say. With both of my hands, I pulled Dominic by the collar of his black sleeveless hoody roughly towards me and crashed his lips to mine. I could feel Dominic stiffen against me but I didn't break away, instead I kissed him even harder, urging him to kiss me back because I know he wants to. But when he still didn't respond to my kiss, I felt disappointed and broke the kiss. I backed away a little and saw Dominic's expression that made me want to shed tears; his eyes were hard and his lips set in a tight line, as if he was controlling his anger. He looked as if he hated me. Oh my god, what have I done? I asked myself, suddenly feeling very confused, why had I kissed him in the first place? Now he hates me...I just made him hate me again.

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