The bait

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I want to thank everyone who read my previous chapters and is reading this chapter. I also want to thank all those who reviewed; your reviews were a great support. It makes me want to update faster (it's a good thing, isn't it?). So here it is! A new chapter. I can't exactly say it is very, very, VERY long...maybe just long. That all depends on your version of long. Don't want to delay you all any further, so read on! Please review later; want to know what you all think.

Chapter 13: The Bait

I wasn't sure what woke me.

I was just suddenly very awake with my eyes wide and body straining. I scanned my surroundings in a swift moment, taking in the scene as fast as possible and forcing myself not to panic. My heart was pounding so loudly that I couldn't hear anything else. It is dark and cold and the air feels humid. There were only two small barred windows in this run-down abandon space that are too high for me to reach and too small of a space for me to escape. I bucked against the tight cuffs that are clutching painfully at my wrist and ankles, making clinking metal noises as the chains scrap against the hard cold wall.

I let out a long shaky breath, fighting against these cuffs isn't going to get me anywhere so I decided to just lean against the wall and stay still. I shivered when my skin came in contact with the cold surface. I look around my surrounding once more; this is definitely very far away from home.

I observed the way I was held by chains to the wall and chuckled to myself; isn't this the same way he was chained to the wall back then in the basement?

I guess some things just never change.

For only a split second, I actually forgot that I was kidnapped. Until reality stepped into the room and allowed the very weak light to feed my eyesight; my heart stopped beating.


I said his name with enough venom to freeze hell. His smile shows that he could detect a tint of fear in my voice and I hated it. I hated the fact that he could smell my fear rolling off me like waves. Victor stood a step closer to me and my heart started beating again; this time it beat so hard I thought I was going to choke on it.

"Why, hello there, Adele. I can't say I'm not flattered that you still remember me." A cunning smile spread across his handsome face but his icy blue eyes were dancing with menace.

Victor walked towards me, his movements like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. He was wearing black leather pants so tight that seemed almost uncomfortable, and a high black boots that nearly covered his entire leg. His shirt was a deep rich blue and collar high, at least three buttons was left undone to show his bare chest and a little bit of his fine sexy abs. The cloth looks like real silk and splendiferous against his pale skin and blond white hair. Even though he was my kidnaper, I kind of like the idea of a hot one.

Victor's smile widens, showing a little of his sharp and intimidating fangs, when he caught me staring at him like some eye-candy. "What?" he cocked his head to one side, "Like the view?" He asked as he inched forward and leaned himself into me.

I shuddered at the touch of his skin against mine. His skin was deathly cold, as a vampire should be. I swallowed and force myself to stay calm even when our bodies are touching. I smiled back at him, trying to sound seductive instead of panic. "I like this side of you." My voice sounded amazingly calm, even to me.

He threw back his head and laughed, his laughter sending chills down my spine and even though he is scaring the daylights out of me, I can't help but be attracted to his looks like a moth to fire. I mentally laughed at myself, wondering how I can actually be thinking about how good he looks instead of thinking of a way to get my ass out of here. A part of me hates and is afraid of him, but another part of me is actually enjoying his everlasting beauty. I snickered; yeah, he is beautiful alright, and definitely deadly.

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