The revenge

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Took me long enough to upload one chapter. I actually had this chapter written out a long time ago but was too busy with college and assignments that I completely forgotten about it. I know I am evil and deserve to be burn, so go ahead and burn me. Thank you, thank you so much for still reading this story! All of your reviews made me really happy! At least I know there are still people reading this, so please review at the end of it and tell me what you think of this chapter. It is a very short one so please don't put your hopes too high!

Chapter 15: The Revenge

I opened my eyes to see myself standing in the same long room with dimly lit candles floating in mid-air. The floor tiles are still of the same color; white and black, like of a chessboard. I groaned as I folded my arms across my chest. This was really getting to be a pattern.

And I am already sick of this same boring room.

Suddenly I was very aware of someone standing in front of me. I looked up and saw the other me, this time dressed in a white gown so long that it trailed behind her feet. Her hair was still the same brilliant red and her eyes a vivid fury fire. She smiled at me, her smile menacing yet enchanting. She reached out her hand to touch me but I pulled away, remembering the last time she tore my neck.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," she actually had the balls to look offended.

I scowled at her, "What do you want? Why are you here?"

She rolled her eyes at me like I was stupid, "You are unconscious, so of course I'd be here."

Then I just recalled what happened in the real world. My hand sub-consciously flew up to my neck. "I...Victor..." I swallowed hard, trying not to panic as I recalled the pain that I no longer felt in this realm. "Did...did I die?"

My other self snickered at me, "If you are dead, you would no longer dream; or have you lost your rational mind when Victor bit you?"

Well, I am glad at least this part of me is still sarcastic, I thought bitterly. But realization dawned on me like a tidal wave.

"If I didn't die that means...I am no longer human, am I?"

She waved a hand at me, "You are still human," Suddenly she looked very dangerous when she turned her red eyes on me, a malicious smile on her lips. "Or do you no longer want to be human?"

I took a step back, "I still want to remain human, thank you very much."

"But I need you to die so I could live," she cocked her head to one side; feign innocence as much as her vixen form allows. She had taken a step towards me and with each step I took backwards, she stood closer. Even though we are of the same height, she looked more intimidating than I am. I bet babies would cry if they see her.

Then a thought just strike me; we are the same person. She is a part of me, my conscience; that should make me more superior, isn't it? So I decided to take the risk and stand my ground.

I stood tall and with the sternest voice I could muster, I said, "Back off."

Immediately my other self stopped in her tracks, her eyes widen for a moment before returning back to being mocking. "So you are going to go against me now?"

I stared back at her hard, "You should be the one listening to me; not the other way around."

Suddenly she didn't look that scary anymore. She looked so tame, so fragile, and so...human. "I can't come to life if you don't die, Adele." Her voice was so sad it was almost too painful to hear.

"But I don't want to...I can't die...yet." I sighed when I thought of Fragrance, of Nathaniel...and him. If I become a vampire, they can never touch me again; nor can I lay my hands on them without tearing their throats out. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially my own flesh and blood. If I become a vampire, my chance of being with him is completely ruined.I stare right into her eyes, "I don't want to become a vampire."

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