The dark admiror

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I know what you all are thinking. "What the heck? Now only did this dumb writer posted up another chapter!" I am terribly sorry for the late delay. College and exam is really taking a toll on me. Crazy non-stop assignments and childish high-school drama is really taking up my time. This chapter I have wrote it a very long time ago but didn't have the time to check up for grammatical errors...pardon me if there is still errors. I rushed to upload this chapter between three deadly assignments so I hope you all will enjoy it. It is a freakish long one (first time doing something like this), so sorry if it hurts your eyes! Go on, read it and tell me what you think! I need you guys to tell me your opinion in the reviews, the question will be below. Thank you to all that reviewed! To VWH luv them all, I am very glad that the previous chapter can make you blush! haha, that means my attempt at sexy writing was a success! And truth be told, I felt terribly bad for Dominic too!

Chapter 17: The Dark Admirer

I seriously think that Julian would have been more forgiving if I were drunk when I kissed Dominic. Well, I really was drunk. Drunk on too much vampire blood, that is.

Turns out to avoid changing me into a vampire when I was terribly wounded, numerous vampires gave me their blood. That theory was thought up by Christopher. The risk was either I die of blood intoxication or I heal up and not turn into a vampire. So now not only do I get to be super beautiful and strong, all of their memories are collected into one tiny head of mine. The advantage is that I get to understand their past life better, the bad thing is that I get occasional slides of memory playback of their sex life; and hell, that is not good. In fact, it is embarrassing. I can be wide awake when I receive a memory flashback; unlike back then when I drink from one vampire, I have to be asleep to be able to access their memories. It means that I could be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly receive a flashback and get turned-on. It doesn't help the situation when the vampires and werewolves around me can smell the change of emotion in me.

But that was not the only side-effect from too much and different vampire blood intake. Other than my eye-sight being impossibly great and my hearing ten times sharper than before (I can hear conversations from another room and that is plain disturbing especially when couples tend to get active at night); my looks had changed drastically. Ok, so maybe not that obvious but if you stare at me long enough, you would notice the difference. For instance, my eyes are no longer brown but a bright shade of cinnamon brown. If you have seen the color of cinnamon, imagine it a few times brighter the color and you get my eye color. I find it a tiny bit intimidating to have eye colors like this; no human should have eye color that is visible in the dark like a gemstone. The plus side to this drastic change is that my wrinkles are all gone! Well, not forever gone as I know that as soon as the blood-effect fades off, I am back to being the normal aging human but hey, I am enjoying the high side of being agelessly beautiful. I look great in the clothes I wore ten years back and manage to steal a few passerby's glance when I strode pass them in red hot stiletto's. But obviously my fun was crashed when the Donahue twin brothers came and retrieve me back from the nightclub.

Ok, so maybe I was going a little overboard with the nightclub thing.

However, there was this tingling sensation in the back of my throat that screams for something else other than water and tasty-yummy fruit juices.

I realized that I craved for blood even when I am not a vampire. I can survive without taking in any as my life does not depends on it, but the smell of blood makes my throat dry. I didn't know why I would be having this kind of situation when I am not even turned yet. But Christopher made a theory that it was probably all due to the overdose of different vampire blood that gave me inhuman cravings like a vampire. As long as I do not digest any blood, I could continue my life diet free of blood. Sadly if I do by accident, I might get addicted to blood and there goes all the trouble with it.

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