Halloween Special!🎃

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As you can probably tell, this doesn't go along with the story line just some cute fluff for Halloween. I was gonna try and incorporate it into the story but with how its going I  just can't.

Shoto sits on the bed waiting for his husband out of the shower. He and Katsuki decided to spend Halloween going to the scariest haunted house in Tokyo. Katsuki walks out of the bathroom wearing a shirt that says "This is my scary halloween costume" Then is has a reflective piece so the person who looks at it sees themselves. Shoto chuckles and stands up, he's wearing the same thing.

The two hold the other's hand and they walk out the door. They pass kids who are running from house to house in costumes. They reach the haunted house and pay to get in.

"You ready to be scared?" Shoto asks.

"Oh I don't get scared" Katsuki says giving Shoto a smug look. They walk further into the house where they can hear people screaming then laughing. They walk down a hall with lots of doors. Shoto grips onto Katsuki's arm waiting for something to jump out. A person holding a chainsaw jumps out yelling something inaudible. Shoto shrieks then laughs , Katsuki jumps as well, but he tries to hide it.

They continue to walk around the house, people jumping out of every crack and crevice. Shoto quickly gets used to the jump scares and calculates when they'll come. Hero habits I guess. Katsuki on the other hand, jumps a bit every time. He tries to hide it but Shoto notices. He laughs a bit every time his husband grips his hand tighter.

They makes it through the house and walk into the corn maze they have. They exchange glances and walk in. The walk down a few of the pathways. Shoto hears a  child crying, Katsuki doesn't seem to hear him. Shoto separates from Katsuki to go look for the child. He walks down a of the pathways before finding two little kids huddled with each other a boy and a girl. 

The boy looks to be about 4 and the girl maybe 7.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Shoto asks bending down to their level. The girl grips onto her brother and backs away from him. Her quirk must be something of a forcefeild. Shoto can feel himself being Pushed further away from the kids, slightly, but enough for him to know they're scared. He takes his hat off to show his hair.

"You don't have to be scared. I'm Shoto Bakugo the #2 hero. What's wrong?" He says calmly, lighting a small fire so they can see his face clearly. The girl instantly calms down and her quirk turns off.

"I-I'm Mizumi and this is my brother Kyo. We got lost when one of the monsters jumped out" The girl, Mizumi says. Shoto nods.

"Come with me, I'll help you find her" He says giving them a smile and holding out his hand. Mizumi smiles and grabs it.

With Bakuhoe

"I think we're almost done" Bakugo says. He looks over expecting to see his husband.

"Shoto?" He asks confused. He looks around but can't find him. He sees a glimpse of red hair and starts tow walk towards it. But when he gets there, the person isn't there, and he's lost. He lost track of where he was going.

"Shoto?" He asks looking around. A bunch of people notice him and start taking pictures.

"What the hell? Can't a hero be left alone for a bit?" Bakugo mutters pushing past the people.

Back with Todobroki

They make it back to the entrance. The two kids look around hoping to find their mother. Then a short woman runs up to then and hugs the two kids.

"Oh my gosh! Where were you two!" She asks sounding worried, a few years roll down her cheeks.

"We got lost. We didn't know where you were. But we did what you told us. We stayed out until someone we trusted came to find us! Look mom! It's the number 2 hero!" Mizumi says.

"Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you!" The woman say looking up at Shoto.

"No problem ma'am. Just doing my job. I will admit though, your kids did exactly what they were told. Do you guys want these?", He asks holding out two suckers. Their eyes light up and they look up at their mom for her approval. She nods and they snatch them from his hand.

"Thank you!" They yell walking off with their mom.

Now to find Katsuki. Shoto sighs and walks back into the corn maze. It's gotten late so almost nobody is in the maze. Has it always been this dark? Shoto shakes his head and continues to walk. Shadows move through the corn, Shoto knows it's just the workers but he can't help but get a little scared. He walks blindly around the maze before realizing he's lost. He goes to call Katsuki before remembering that he left his phone in his husband's pocket.

"Shit. What now?" He mutters. He wonders around for quite a bit before having to sit down. He sits and wait, jumping every now and then when someone jumps out at him.

He hears more footsteps walking down the pathway. He stands up getting ready to walk again. But he's tackles to the ground. Our of instinct, he light up his left side. The person jumps off on him and Shoto stands up ready to fight.

"Oww! When did you start doing that when I jumped at ya?" Katsuki says holding his arm.

"Oh no! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Shoto yells jumping over to Katsuki. He removed his hand from his arm and Shoto puts his right hand on the burn. He cools it off using his quirk.

"Sorry" He mumbles again.

"It's okay! You didn't mean to, plus I jumped at you! If anything it's my fault" Katsuki laughter hugging his husband. Shoto giggles.

"Let's go home. We should pass out candy" Shoto says. They find their way out of the maze and head home.

The two heroes sit on their front porch handing candy to the kids. Two kids walk up to them and their eyes light up. It's Mizumi and Kyo.

"Hey guys! Love your costumes!" Shoto says patting the two kids on their head and handing them candy.

"Thank you!" They yell. Their mom looks back at Shoto.

"Really, thank you" She s!Iles before walking away.

"What was that all about?" Katsuki asks.

"Long story, I'll tell you later" Shoto leans his head in his husband's shoulder sighing and looking at all the kids on the street.

Sorry it's crappy. I was originally going to make this chapter at lease 2000 words but I completely forgot about it. When things calm down a bit I'll work on an actual chapter. Sorry to keep ya waiting!

Happy Halloween!🎃🦇🍬🍫🍭

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