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Stop it!

All eyes are in Bakugou, 3 in fear and 6 in surprise.

"Leave him alone! He wasn't hurting-" Bakugou gets cut if by Momo's hand on his mouth. He pulls it away, glaring at her.

"Be quiet! You'll wake them up" Todoroki whisper yells, holding his jaw. Bakugou starts to walk towards him but Iida stands in his way.

"He's still dangerous. Did you see how he attacked me" Iida does his hand choppy thingy. Bakugou tries to shove him aside but Iida stands his ground.

"Four eyes I swear to All Might if you don't let me get to him I'm going to blow you're ass up so high floaty bitch will be jealous" Sparks start to come out if Bakugou's hands. Iida stands his ground but Momo pulls his away harshly.

Bakugou runs to Todoroki and takes his face in his hands, turning his face like a worried mother. He wipes the blood off of his lip and places his hand gently on his jaw.

"I'm fine I'm fine" Todoroki places his hand on Bakugou's.

"Good. Now what the hell is going on?" Bakugou huffs, blushing and snatching his hand away.

"They're planning on hurting... You. I snuck away but I've got limited time to get you out" Todoroki explains.

"And why should we trust you?" Iida speaks.

"If you would rather be stuck here then be my guest" Todoroki shrugs.

"We should hurry" Momo says. Todoroki nods and they walk to the corner of the room. Iida this is about it for a moment before walking over to them.

Todoroki presses the button on his watch and they get sucked up to the drop off room. Todoroki puts his finger up to his lips to indicate absolute silence. They walk down the hall, Todoroki's glances down all the halls before they turn. They come to a pair of large doors and Todoroki looks in them, fear obvious on his face. He slowly pushes the door open and flinches when he sees movement.

Two villains lay on the couch asleep. Todoroki tenses up and turns around shaking his head. Bakugou puts a hand in his shoulder and looks in his eyes. Todoroki tears up but nods. They walk very quietly across the room and towards a door. Todoroki stops and looks back at the two villains. A few years roll down his cheeks.

Bakugou can't figure out why but he takes Todoroki's face in his hands and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. Todoroki smiles and Bakugou takes his hands away.

"When I open this door, we run. The alarm is going to sound and they'll come for us" Todoroki whispers, so quiet they can barley hear.

"Where do we run to?" Momo whispers back just as quiet.

"Headquarters, they can help us there" Bakugou suggests. They nod.

Todoroki puts his hand on the door knob and takes a deep breath, they all get ready to run. He twists the knob and flings the door open. The loud alarm screams in there ears as they run down the street. They run five miles to headquarters without stopping. They can hear faint footsteps running after them as Momo scans her keycard and they all burst into the lobby.

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina kneel on the ground to catch their breath. The rest of them clutch their sides as they pant. Other heroes run up to them to see what's going on.

It takes a few minutes but they regain their breath and reports what happened to the other heroes. They search the place it was said they were but they same back saying it looked abandoned.

The heroes walk up to their offices to get some sleep, Bakugou obviously taking Todoroki with him. They walk in and he closes the door, locking it.

Todoroki slides down the doors and ends up sitting on the floor. Bakugou sits across from him akwardly.

"Why were you crying before you opened the door?" Bakugou asks quietly and a little nervous, very unlike his usual self.

"The villain with the black hair, he's my brother. He came up with the plan to kill Endeavor and I went along with it" Todoroki says looking at the ground.

"Why? Why'd you become a villain?"

Todoroki takes a deep breath before explaining the whole story to him. Bakugou's face changes to many expressions, angry, sad, pitiful. By the end of the story Bakugou has tears in his eyes and is fighting the urge to wrap Todoroki in a tight hug. Todoroki looks up at Bakugou and his heart shatters a little bit.

They both sit akwardly, not knowing what to do. They both know they like each other but aren't sure the other likes them back. Bakugou starts to slowly lean forwards before he wraps Todoroki in the tightest hug he's ever given. He cries into the taller man's shoulder. Todoroki is taken aback by the sudden gesture but soon hugs him back, shushing him and telling him everything is okay now.

"God I'm such a fucking mess" Bakugou mutters letting go up Todoroki, sad laugher follows it.

"We both are" Todoroki replies, both of them laugh and cry for a while before going silent. Bakugou leans forward and rests his head on Todoroki's shoulder.

"I have something to tell you" Todoroki says, rubbing Bakugou's back slightly. Bakugou hums indicating he's listening.

"I like you. I know it's weird because you barley know me, even though we went to school together? But I like you and I hope you feel the same"

"Todo-... Shoto. I like you too" Bakugou looks into Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes and smiles.

"This is so fucking cliche" Bakugou laughs. Todoroki rests his hand in Bakugou's cheek softly and they both lean in until the gap between them closes. The kiss doesn't last long but it was full of pure love.

"Super cliche" Todoroki smiles. He lifts Bakugou up and they walk to the couch. He puts Bakugou back down and helps him convert it into a bed.

They grab pillows and blankets from the closet. They lay down facing each other. Todoroki rubs his cheek on Bakugou's scent gland, scenting him. He stops after a while.

"Go ahead" Bakugou says.

"Are you sure?" Todoroki asks.

"Of course I'm sure"

"It's gonna hurt you though"

"I'll be fine. It'll be worth it"


Todoroki starts scenting Bakugou again. He stops and opens his mouth, his fangs sharp and ready. He kicks Bakugou's scent gland before sinking his teeth into the flesh. Bakugou whimpers and clutches Todoroki's shirt. Todoroki let's go of Bakugou, retracting his fangs, and softly licks the blood at made its way to the surface.

Todoroki looks back at Bakugou and kisses him softly. Bakugou wraps his arms around Todoroki's neck. They eventually pull apart and Bakugou digs his face in Todoroki's neck and starts scenting him. Letting the smell of peppermint calm him.

"You know what's funny Bak... Katsuki?" Todoroki asks.

"Hm?" Bakugou asks confused but is still scenting Todoroki.

"You know, we're kinda like Romeo and Juliet"



"Yeah but instead Villain and Hero"

"Still forbidden love"

That's the end! But don't worry! I'll be coming out with a sequel, I don't know when but I know for a fact that this isn't the end of the adventure with these heroes!

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