Chapter 2: Riveria

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The shadows seemed to move to create a human-like creature. It was completely concealed by a large black cloak that brushed the ground and although they knew that they were quite safe in Hobbiton, all of the dwarfs were immediately wary of the figure as it seemed like the cloak was just suspended in the air. Nothing within the folds of the material. They would be right when presuming that as another figure emerged from the shadows behind them, also clad in a black cloak, with a flick of her hand the entire being completely disappeared as if it was made of air.

Confused and scared they turned to Gandalf to see if he knew anything about the mysterious happening, only to find that he was no longer alone.

Another person stood next to him, also cloaked in the same black fabric that they had seen moments ago before it had seemed to disappear into thin air. They watched it wearily for a few moments until Gandalf finally calmed himself and stood. Turning to the creature a few joyful chuckles escaped his lips before he greeted them.

"Ahh, Riveria, it has been too long since I have last seen you. I haven't laughed that much since you made that troop of elves become afraid of a tree."

"Ahh, those where the days, weren't they Gandalf. When people weren't afraid of the unknown and actually judged creatures on their own character and not of the ones that they know. This world has changed a lot and not entirely for the better." It was the soft feminine voice that spoke, although she had yet to address them.

"Now dear, there is no need for you to keep your hood up in here," Gandalf said as he noticed the fabric that still obscured her features from the dwarf's view. She turned to him, seemingly apprehensive until she nodded.

Two delicate hands emerged from the cloak. They were dainty and pale, the same colour of freshly fallen snow, and looked as to be best used doing needlework than holding a weapon. Upon each finger was a nail that looked almost like a talon, painted completely black, the same colour as the fabric she was concealed in.

The hands were followed by arms completely covered the black leather shining slightly in the dim light. As she grasped the fabric of her hood they could see the contrast between the pale ghost-like complexity of her skin to the dark shadowy fabric. She gently pulled the hood backwards unveiling her head, although it was bowed.

Locks, the same colour as the darkest night, was pulled back into a tight impeccably made braid, although they couldn't see how long the braid actually was as most of it was still concealed by the fabric of her cloak.

Her sharp features seemed to cut the light. A soft dusting of pink coated the top of her cheeks as her long black eyelashes brushed the tops of her defined cheekbones.

Her eyelids remained closed for a few moments before they snapped open revealing almost cat-like eyes until they expanded to take in more light. Her iris' were deep cobalt blue with dark shadows seemingly swimming around her eyes on their own accord. She cocked her head to the side as if she was questioning them, and then, she smiled. She smiled with perfectly white pointed teeth almost the same as a cats mouth, lengthened canines included. Despite this, she was stunning in almost every way.

Riveria gazed at the group seemingly analysing each of them. Some of the dwarfs weren't entirely sure that the smile was a good thing or not.

"Well, this is interesting. It is not every day that you see a group of dwarfs in the Shire. Let alone ones that have their weapons taken off them so easily." She smirked.

"Now, dear, you have teased these dwarfs enough. Give them their weapons back" Gandalf said, giving her a slight glare.


"But nothing, Riveria, you have had your fun, now is time to return what belongs to them."

"Awww," She pouted but did as she was told and with a flick of her hand their weapons seemed to be returned to the correct dwarves and in the correct places within seconds.

"Good, now let's all sit down. I think that there is some explaining to do." Gandalf said moving into the sitting area, Riveria following behind him without a second thought. They easily weaved through the crowd of dwarves and into the dining room that was still set up with all 13 chairs. One for every dwarf.

The dwarves followed slowly, wary of the fact that she could take away all their weapons without them noticing and then return them all to their correct place with a flick of her hand. Not to mention the fact that she would have had to hide them. Something that would have been impossible in the lighting.

Thorin was the first to re-enter the room. By this point, both Gandalf and Riveria had already seated themselves at the table, Riveria at the head and Gandalf to her left. Neither of them was speaking, or at least there was no sound, nor were there mouths moving but they seemed almost like they were discussing something. The girl seemed completely casual about the entire thing, leaning back in her chair, not at all bothered by anything. Gandalf, on the other hand, seemed very anxious. Half of the dwarves were already seated when the first sound came from the two of them.

"Calm Gandalf. They will be safe in my protection as long as they don't insult me. There is no reason to be so worried. They have a good heart and reason going into the journey, I can feel that already. And you know me. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think it was worth my time." She turned and looked at all the dwarves that were now seated calmly at the table listening intently on what she was saying.

There was silence for a few moments until one of the dwarves spoke. Balin was his name. "Who are you?

A/N: Hey everyone,

I can't believe that people have actually read my story even though it's probably rubbish. Anyway please don't hesitate to message me if you have anything you want to talk about. 

Please do know that I will be updating this story as I have inspiration for it (or my friends bug me for it).

Thanks so much

∞ Wolfie ∞

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