Chapter 3: Who Are You?

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"What do you mean by that Master Dwarf?"

She had raised one meticulously shaped dark eyebrow.

"I mean, who are you? What do you do?" He had leant forward, his hands laced on the table in front of him. The rest of the dwarves had leaned forward in anticipation of what she was about to say.

"I am Riveria, and as for what I do that depends on who's asking, what they are asking for, and how much they are willing to pay for it."

"What do you mean by that?" Kili asked. His dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I mean exactly as I say, Kili, son of Dis and Vili, brother to Fili, nephew to Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain." She hadn't even turned to look at the young dwarf, still staring straight ahead, through the doorway. She raised her voice slightly. "You do know it is impolite to eavesdrop Master Hobbit."

All the heads snapped to the doorway where they saw a bashful hobbit head peek around the corner. "If you wish to learn more about me please come in and sit. Otherwise, you are free to go to sleep, I will make sure that these hooligans don't destroy everything. Or steal anything for that matter. Master Nori," She turned and looked him straight in the eye. "I do believe that the cutlery currently in your breast pocket belongs to the poor hobbit. You have already traumatised him enough, there is no need to steal from him as well."

The dwarf in question glared at her before removing the cutlery in question and handing them back to the poor hobbit.

Thorin had been quietly mulling things over in his head as all this happened around him. She was an interesting creature, that's one thing for sure, he had never seen anything like her. But she was beautiful, stunning, in her own slightly odd way. She seemed so innocent from the outside before she opened her mouth and obviously didn't know the dangers of having sharpened weapons on her as she took all of their's without a second thought. To think about it, he didn't know anything about her, other her name, of course, Riveria. She was very elusive. The only thing he had gotten so far was the fact that she had extremely good senses if she could find the hobbit and the cutlery, both of which had escaped his notice. She seemed to know everything, even the parents of his nephews.

Thorin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. They hadn't even told her their names and she seemed to already know all of them and background information. Something wasn't quite right.

"How do you know our names?" Thorin asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "We haven't told you anything about us and yet you seemed to know everything about my nephew."

All the dwarves stopped what they were doing at once, all realising the same thing as soon as their king had spoken.

"I ask the same question. Who are you and what do you do?" He continued, now all the dwarves attention was on her.

Riveria smirked. "Now there is no reason to get so defensive. I know the same about everyone I come across." That was all she said before she stood and left the room with a swish if her cloak. Leaving behind a smug wizard, embarrassed hobbit and 13 dwarves, all of which were more confused then they were in the first place.

As soon as they heard the door open and close, showing that she had now gone outside, the dwarves turn to Gandalf.

"Who is she?" Dwalin demanded, very annoyed that she could play a trick on all of them and then have the audacity to not answer a king's question. He had had enough of this girl already and all she was going to do is slow the whole company down as they would have to look after her as well. The hobbit was bad enough without the addition of this creature.

"She is very valuable, especially if you plan to get through the wilds," Gandalf explained calmly as poor Bilbo exited the room to go to bed, there had been too much stress in the last few hours.

"The wilds?" Balin chuckled, she seemed as if she was as delicate as a flower. "She wouldn't survive one day out in the open, too soft and innocent."

A slight smirk crossed the wizard's mouth. "We shall see." He turned to Thorin. "If you wish to be gone by dawn then I shall suggest that you should all get some sleep. Dawn is only a few hours away."

Thorin turned to the wizard sceptically and then nodded. "The wizard is right, we are leaving early and you should all get some rest. We will be leaving with, or without your burglar."

Gandalf smirked but said nothing more on the topic as he watched as each dwarf wandered off to find a place to rest for the night. Once the last dwarf started snoring a creature moved from within the shadows. "They will not be accepting of you at first." He warned as Riveria stepped into the light.

"I knew that from the start Gandalf, but you know that I can't trust them. At least not until I know them properly. Last time I did that I almost ended up in the grasp of Sauron." She sighed slightly before a small smirk graced her features. "Although those Durin boys do remind me of their ancestor, quite a lot, though Fili is almost a carbon copy of Vili, you have no idea of the noise he made when he first laid eyes on those two again."

A subtle glowing emitted from her hands. "I think that you should go to. Don't you need to be outside within the next few minutes." Gandalf looked at her hands as she glanced down noting the light and nodded and disappeared back into the shadows.

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm BACK!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!

Sorry about that, let me just regain my composure for a second. 

Thank you, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, much for putting up with me and my shitty writing so far. I didn't think that anyone would read this at all. So thank you.

Once again if you wish to speak with me, have any ideas or tell me about a problem, don't hesitate. 

∞ Wolfie ∞

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